Currently Active OTM tenders of Rangpur City Corporation.

Active tender notices of Rangpur City Corporation published on eGP portal of Bangladesh.
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Live tenders on eGP platform (
1) Tender ID: 948789 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2023-24/Goods/02
Reference No.: APP ID :201383
Package Title: Purchase of electric goods under Rangpur City Corporation
Published on: 2024-02-14 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-03-05 12:00:00
2) Tender ID: 948790 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2023-24/Goods/03
Reference No.: APP ID : 201383
Package Title: Purchase of 1000KVA load automatic industrial voltage stabilizer (AIVS) asphalt plant under Rangpur City Corporation
Published on: 2024-02-14 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-03-05 12:00:00
3) Tender ID: 951226 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: LGCRRP/Rangpur/2023-24/W-28
Reference No.: App ID : 199021
Package Title: 1. Maintenance (Overly) of BC Road Starting from Ful Amer Tol to Kukrul Zero Point. Ch. 0.0-1250.0m. W- 04. 2. Upgrading of RCC Road at Islampur Masterpara Main Road to H/0 Engineer Hamidul. Ch. 0.0-180.0m. W¬23. 3. Construction of RCC Drain at Islampur Masterpara Main Road to RIO Engineer Hamidul. Ch. 0.0-180.0m. W-23. 4. Rehabilitation of Road at RCCI More Jomshed Uddin Sorony Road. L=194.00m With Link-1=156.00m. Link-1a=33.00m. W-25. 5. Maintenance (Overly) & Widening Maintenance of Bituminous Carpeting Road Starting from R.K Road 20 Mega Watt to Borobari Morictari Road & Construction of RCC Road ch.0.0-2390.0m (W-15). 6. Construction of Special Palisading At R.K Road 20Mega Watt to Borobari Morictari Road at ch.1590.0-1660.0m=70.0m (w-15). 7. Construction of Box Culvert Work 02nos 3.Omx3.Om At R.K Road 20 Mega Watt to Borobari Morictari Road at ch.460.0m & ch,1790.0m (w-15). 8. Environmental & Social Safeguard.
Published on: 2024-02-15 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-03-19 12:00:00
4) Tender ID: 960654 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2023-24/Works/01
Reference No.: App ID : 201383
Package Title: 1. a)Construction of RCC Pilar& Earth Work At Sheikpara.b) RCC drain of uttom.2. a) Pacchimpara earth filling & palisading work, b)RCC drain from moklaser to Bokkor. 3. a)Palisading work & One Room.b) Installation of Mural of Roy Saheb. 4)RCC Drain At Rahmatpur.5)New Shed in Burirhat.6)Inspection pit & PVC pipe at Naohati, Birchoron.7)RCC road at tarminal to H/O Alamgir.8) a) Palisading work near H/O Nur Mohammad,Hazipara.b) Dismantling of rcc drain at Pakar matha.9. a)Top slab beside R K Road.b) Maintance of road at BSCIC Road. c)RCC Approch Road in police fari & CC sitol.10.RCC Road and Drain at Shirin Housing to Mofijui.11.a)Rcc Road and drain at Dr. Rafiqul To Mashiur.b)RCC Road and Drain at kholifa para to shamim.2.RCC Road & drain at Munshipara to Md.Amzad.13. Construction of Public toilet at Chickli Park. 14. Connection of 8" pipe line at Engineerpara to existing 10" uPVC pipe from Medical more to Shapla. 15. Brick works Under Gade Beam at Chickly Park. 16.RCC Road & Drain At Gomostopara DB Morshed. 17. Beautification Work Medical More to Shapla.18.RCC Road & Drain At Shantibag Taju to Rubel.19. a)Septic Rank & Soak well at Track Stand.b) Maintanace work at Dhaka Coach Stand.c)RCC Road & Drain at OC Muazzem. 20.RCC road 20Mega Watt Road to Balapara School.21. A) Installation of Pump & Pipe line of RpCC Office.b. Water Supply Pipe & Sanitary Work of Old & New Building at RpCC.22.Intenior Works At New Office Building.23.CC Road from Rokeya College to Bijid House.24.Drain At Tajhat to Dimla bridge.25. a.RCC Drain of Begum Rokeya University Gate.b. Construction of cross drain near at Lalbagh.26.CC Road, Brick Work & MS Grill, PVC Pipe with Pit, Washroom for Drivers & Deep Tubwall at Dimla.27. Pre-febrication & erection of Steel Bridge at Mukul's Chatal to Shamasundori.28. Improvement of Road Dharmodash to Rice Research.29.a)RCC Road & Drain At Tota Miah to Ataur.b)RCC Road At Shantibag.
Published on: 2024-03-14 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-04-18 12:00:00
5) Tender ID: 960655 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2023-24/Works/02
Reference No.: App ID : 201383
Package Title: 1.Rehabilitation of Gilabari Road.2.Rcc Road and Drain at Kholifa para road bylane to H/O Oahab.3.RCC Road & Drain at Keranipara Rafiqul to Rabiul.4.RCC Road & Drain from Satgara H/0 Abdul Mazid to H/0 Tofayel.5.RCC Road Keranipara Nasirabad Mosque Pappu to Baser,& Link H/0 Shohidul.6.RCC Drain & Road near Keramotia Mosque.7.RCC Road and Drain at Dhap Engineer Para Global Eye Care to H/O Ataur.8.RCC Road from Stadium Road To Cricket Garden Complex.9.a) RCC Road and Drain at Asir Uddin Saroni from H/O Najrul to H/O Mijanur Rahman b)RCC Road and Drain at Dhap Cickly Vata H/O Nirasha to H/O Mofazzal.10.RCC Road and Drain at Doctors Goli starting from Kollanir Matha to Saddam.11.Boundary wall at chikli park.12.RCC Road & Drain at Gomosto para Deyanbari road from h/o Jhontu to h/o Shamim.13.Earth Filling Work at Sweeper Koloni's Land Area Near Kukrul.14.a)RCC Road And Drain At Kamal kasna MC Sarkar Road Byline H/O Delower to H/o Masud.b) RCC Road at Cord Laboratory North Site to H/o Shures.c) RCC Road And Drain At Kamal Duas Lane Near H/o Engr. Shakhowat to H/o Wohad.15.Boundary wall at Goptopara Grand Hotel over head tank.16.Construction of a) Gate & S.S. Fencing Boundary Wall at Nurpur Graveyard.b) Oju Khana & Painting work at Nurpur Graveyard.17.a)RCC Road & Drain at Station road to Pirpur School road.b)RCC Road at Khamar Para Station road H/O Polin to H/O Kajol.18.RCC Drain from Lalbag Krishi Bipanon Odhidoptor to H/o Sanowar.19.RCC Retaining Wall Beside Asrotpur Chack Bazar Central Eid Gha Field.20.RCC Pavement & HBB work at Dimla Kanungotla Asphault plant & Sand filling Beside Retaining Wall, Pavement Area, Loder Ramp, Infront of Shed, back side of loder ramp & Earth filling work Back side of Retaining wall & Guide wall work beside ramp, RCC Road & Soling Work to gap of two HBB Road.21.Construction of Dimla Stack yeard Office cum Guard Room.
Published on: 2024-03-14 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-04-18 12:00:00
6) Tender ID: 991837 ( OTM)
PE & Organization: Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives, Local Government Division, Rangpur City Corporation, Rangpur City Corporation
Reference No.: App ID : 199021
Package Title: a) Construction of RCC Drain starting from Matsho Aarot to Kazi Nazrul Islam Pathagar L= 338.0m, b) Rehabilitation and widening of Babu Kha Dakshin Para Rd starting from West Babukha More to 20 Mega Watt Road, L =1066.00m (W-22),c) Construction of RCC Road at Telitari From H/O Aziz Master to H/O Akhtarul via telitari Mosque &Madrasa and link road to H/O Somesh via H/O Sultan L ch.0.00-527.0m.(W-10),d) Construction of RCC Road From Uttam Hazipara (Balatari) Montaz Chachar bari to Rabbais Char. ch.0.00-330.0m(W-10),e) Construction of Two vent Box Culvert at west Gilabari infront of H/o Mukul.W-10, f) Environmental Management work.
Published on: 2024-05-29 16:30:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-06-24 12:00:00
7) Tender ID: 993571 ( OTM)
PE & Organization: Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives, Local Government Division, Rangpur City Corporation, Rangpur City Corporation
Reference No.: App ID : 201383
Package Title: 01:Construction of RCC Drain from Burirhat Jute Mill to Harati (Remaining Part) Ch. 1700.0-2315.0m L=615.0m. W-6. 02:A)Rcc Road at Shib mondir to Hindu para.Ch.0.00-340.0m.W-14,B)RCC Road at Circuit House Lane H/O Sayful Haque.Ch.0.0-31.0m.W-16.03:A)Rcc Road cross drain at Hindupara from H/O Minal to S/O AminurW-14.B)RCC Drain at Circuit House H/O Sayful.Ch. 0.0-31.0m.W-16.04:Road from Bokshi Bottola Mosque to RG Tampat Old Moque,Ch.0.0-880.0m( W-32,33).05:RCC Box Culvert of Road from Bokshi Bottola Jame Mosque to RG Tampat Old Mosque Culvert. - 4 NosW-32,33).06:BC Road from Mudhikhana Bazar Shop of Rowshan Veraitje to Ombikha Charran Primary School. Ch.0.00-625.0 m.(W:32,33).07:BC Road from Uttam Moddhopara RHD Highway H/O Kuddus to Baroghoria Mosque. Ch. 0.0-350.0m. W-01.08:Road from Uttom RHD Highway to Chairman More to H/O Mohuber Via Hajipara Front of Councillor Dilara to H/O Rafique Member, Ch. 0.0-740.0m. W-01.09:RCC Road at Shatgara starting From H/O Sattar To H/O Ripon. Ch.0.00.-253.0.m And Link- H/O Alomgir TO H/O Forkan.CH.0.00-122.0m(w-17).10:RCC Drain at Sathgara froH/O Sattar to H/O Ripon ch.0.0-130.0m(w-17).11: Road at Khotkhotia High School to Pandar Dighi Central Mosque Ch0.0-2110.0m W-04.12:RCC Road at Kamarpara from Kamarpara Kutubiya Mosque to kamarpara School. W-22.13:RCC Drain at Kamarpara from Kamarpara Kutubiya Mosque to kamarpara School. W-22.14:RCC Drain at Satgara from H/O Sattar to H/O Ripon ch.0.0-130.0m(w-17).15:BC Road at Gulal budai H/O Wazad Ali to Budai Moulovi para jama Mosque ch:0.0-460.00m. W-07.16:RCC Cross Drain at Ch. 12.0m & Ch. 207.0m on Gulal budai H/O Wazad Ali to Budai Moulovi para jame Mosque. W-07.17: Rcc Road cross Drain at Toslimer Mor fromToslimer Mor to Dorgar par Hifjul Quran Madrasha. W-14.18: Drain From Kamal kasna Agricultural house Kowsar house (Shop of hen) to Kharampotti Existing Drain Near H/o younus.W:24.Ch 0.00-185.0.19: Envt. & Social Safeguard.
Published on: 2024-06-04 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-07-08 12:00:00
8) Tender ID: 1001942 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2024-25/01
Reference No.: App ID : 203966
Package Title: 1.RCC A) Akij Motahar ShopB)B/W Monthona G/Y(w-1). 2.RCC A) Gowalu to Hindupara.B)Gowalu To Gowalu School.C) H/O Aminul to H/0 Ferdous.D)H/Oanowarul to H/O Sunil(w-2). 3.CC Road and Drain Pandardhighi A) H/O Liyam to H/0 Seyad,H/0 Abul, Kalam,Link-2=H/0 Liton.B)H/0 Shohidul to H/0 Razzak.W-3.4.BC Road Hazipara H/O Hobibor to Hazipara School(W-1).5.(A)R.C.C H/O Motleb / Dipali to H/0 Hayder(W-4), (B)R.C.C Jolsotro from H/O Jolil to H/O Raju(W-4),( C )R.C.C H/0 Biru / Naraon to H/O Muchi(W-4), 2.(A)RCC R/C Fulamertol.6.(A)B/W Khotkhottia G/Y (W-5), (B)Drain and T/S H/O Babu to Canel (W-5) 7.BC H/O Chand To H/O Jahed Ali.Link Road H/O Sulta.(W-6).8.BC H/O Somas to H/O Dr Harun.9.BC H/O Kalam to H/O Aziz. 10.Uni-Block(1)H/O Vutu to H/o Belal.W-9.(2)H/O Atta to H/o Nurmohannadi.W-9.(3)Topodhon to Baitut madrasha.W-9.(4)H/o Motein to Ahaynal.W-9.(5)H/o Shona mia to H/o labu.W-9.(6)H/o Rofikul to H/o Monu.(w-9).7)H/o Rohoman To H/o Labu.W-9. 11.RCC-1)Vandermore to H/O obaidul.2) Bahar Kachna to H/0 Asraf to H/o Mohoshen.(W-9).12.B/W Derhalia Eid Gah.2)CC Road haripur to H/O Khitish link to H/O Dhoniram.13.a)BC Keranirhat masque,b)BC chairman more to H/O Mapu.14.a)Shampur to H/O Hamid.b)Gopinathpur H/O Abdullah.15.BC Jolkoria H/O Bacchu to Mahbub.16.A)RCC H/O Anisul to H/O Aminur.W-3).B)Drain H/O Rejaul.C)Drain Kellabondo H/0 Mokbul to H/0 Ekramul. D)Drain H/O Miraji to H/O Laboni.W-16. B)B/W Eidga Field kellabondo hafijiya.W-16. 17.RCC R/D (A)H/0 jahanur to H/O Rajjak. And Link - 01 RCC.(B)RCC H/0 Sekandar to H/0 Shahalom.W-17. 18.(A)Drain H/O Babu to H/O Kalam.W-19, B)R/D Nilkontho H/O Monir to H/O Saifur.W-19, C)RCC R/D H/O Polash to H/O Jahangir(W-19). 19.(A)RCC H/0 Aktar to mosque and Link H/O Atoar to H/0 Ashek.W- 17. (B)RCC Drain H/O Topon to H/O Councilor.W-17. 20.A)Road & SS Fencing S/O Noyon to H/O Taz at Jummapara.21.R/D A)Mistripara.B)H/O Joinal to H/O Khalil With Link.C)Drain at H/O Saiful.W= 23, 25.
Published on: 2024-07-04 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-08-06 12:00:00
9) Tender ID: 1002012 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2024-25/02
Reference No.: App ID : 203966
Package Title: 1.RCC H/O Dulal to H/O Samsul,H/o Mahafuz to H/o Faruq.2. RCC H/O Dulal to H/O Motiar.b)H/O Chan to H/O Abu.3.RCC H/O Nur to H/O Harun.4.BC tollar more to h/o petor.5.(A)RCC R/D S/O Puspo to S/O Julu via H/O Samad (B)(i)RCC R/D H/O Shab to H/O Dulal & (ii)Drain Runu to H/O Rajone (W-18).6.RCC R/D A)Munsipara G/Y.B)(1)H/O Tuhin (2)link,C)RCC T/S Sitola Mondir.D)Pakpara to Mondir.E) Pakpara to H/0 Sohel.F) HID (w-20).7.A)Drain H/O Hafigul to H/o Ersad & b)D/S Keranipara mosque to H/O Khokon or Boshuniya potti quarter,W- 18, b)Drain keranipara to Adalot office(W-18),c)RCC R/D Kamarpara 2/1 Road H/o Anwar.W-22.8. a)R/D Adarshapara Mosque to H/O Amir(W-21),B)R/D Adorshopara Math& Link-T/S (W-21).9. a)Road Ganeshpur of Nasir to H/o Jalil W-22, b)Road Ganeshpur i) H/o Mijmul to H/o Mokhlesur and ii)Jahanur to H/o Salatuliah W-22,c)T/S Goneshpur to 22 no councillor.W-22.101)RC/D Tatipara H/o Selim to Faruk. 2)Road GuptaPara H/O imam goli.3)Drain T/S Kamal kasna Mosque to Gunjon more.11.Road Nurpur G/Y to Lakir MorW:26.12. A)R/D Chartola Moor to C/H,W=27 B)Drian Colony G/Y,W= 27.13. A)R/D H/O Samad to H/O Jabed W=27,B)R/D Senparah to H/o Arif.W-21.14. A)Drain Ansari More to H/O Rasid.B).Drain Packet Slab H/O Khandokar to H/0 Akbar& Asrotpur Basti.C)Road Tajhat G/Y & Eid Gha Field, W-28.15.R/D H/O Masud to H/O Dulu (W-29).16.R/D H/O Anower to H/O Azijer(W-30).17.A)R/D H/O Liton to H/O Shamim, B)Road H/O Mohila Councilor to H/O Dulal (W-29).18.Road at Najir Digor H/O Ekramul to kolarpara.(W-31).19.Road Dhormodas.W-32.20.Road H/O Nasir to Poschim para.21.Road at 1)Pan bari Road H/O Abu.(w-31) 2)Mullapara to H/O Manna(W-33).22. a)Road H/O Anwer to Foysal(W-04), b)RCC R/C H/O Polton to Selim Satrabas.W- 04.C)Road Sebassrom to H/O niranjon.W=06),d)ghatla at cobbishazari.w-06, e)UPVC Drain Masterpara Mosque.W-19.23.Drain & R/C H/O Sirajur to H/O Khoka & .W-04.24.Road H/O Abdur to Shahin.W-15.25.a)RCC Pipe Drain Hazir Khamar.
Published on: 2024-07-04 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-08-06 12:00:00
10) Tender ID: 1009549 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2024-25/01
Reference No.: App ID : 203966
Package Title: 1.RCC A) Akij Motahar ShopB)B/W Monthona G/Y(w-1). 2.RCC A) Gowalu to Hindupara.B)Gowalu To Gowalu School.C) H/O Aminul to H/0 Ferdous.D)H/Oanowarul to H/O Sunil(w-2). 3.CC Road and Drain Pandardhighi A) H/O Liyam to H/0 Seyad,H/0 Abul, Kalam,Link-2=H/0 Liton.B)H/0 Shohidul to H/0 Razzak.W-3.4.BC Road Hazipara H/O Hobibor to Hazipara School(W-1).5.(A)R.C.C H/O Motleb / Dipali to H/0 Hayder(W-4), (B)R.C.C Jolsotro from H/O Jolil to H/O Raju(W-4),( C )R.C.C H/0 Biru / Naraon to H/O Muchi(W-4), 2.(A)RCC R/C Fulamertol.6.(A)B/W Khotkhottia G/Y (W-5), (B)Drain and T/S H/O Babu to Canel (W-5) 7.BC H/O Chand To H/O Jahed Ali.Link Road H/O Sulta.(W-6).8.BC H/O Somas to H/O Dr Harun.9.BC H/O Kalam to H/O Aziz. 10.Uni-Block(1)H/O Vutu to H/o Belal.W-9.(2)H/O Atta to H/o Nurmohannadi.W-9.(3)Topodhon to Baitut madrasha.W-9.(4)H/o Motein to Ahaynal.W-9.(5)H/o Shona mia to H/o labu.W-9.(6)H/o Rofikul to H/o Monu.(w-9).7)H/o Rohoman To H/o Labu.W-9. 11.RCC-1)Vandermore to H/O obaidul.2) Bahar Kachna to H/0 Asraf to H/o Mohoshen.(W-9).12.B/W Derhalia Eid Gah.2)CC Road haripur to H/O Khitish link to H/O Dhoniram.13.a)BC Keranirhat masque,b)BC chairman more to H/O Mapu.14.a)Shampur to H/O Hamid.b)Gopinathpur H/O Abdullah.15.BC Jolkoria H/O Bacchu to Mahbub.16.A)RCC H/O Anisul to H/O Aminur.W-3).B)Drain H/O Rejaul.C)Drain Kellabondo H/0 Mokbul to H/0 Ekramul. D)Drain H/O Miraji to H/O Laboni.W-16. B)B/W Eidga Field kellabondo hafijiya.W-16. 17.RCC R/D (A)H/0 jahanur to H/O Rajjak. And Link - 01 RCC.(B)RCC H/0 Sekandar to H/0 Shahalom.W-17. 18.(A)Drain H/O Babu to H/O Kalam.W-19, B)R/D Nilkontho H/O Monir to H/O Saifur.W-19, C)RCC R/D H/O Polash to H/O Jahangir(W-19). 19.(A)RCC H/0 Aktar to mosque and Link H/O Atoar to H/0 Ashek.W- 17. (B)RCC Drain H/O Topon to H/O Councilor.W-17. 20.A)Road & SS Fencing S/O Noyon to H/O Taz at Jummapara.21.R/D A)Mistripara.B)H/O Joinal to H/O Khalil With Link.C)Drain at H/O Saiful.W= 23, 25.
Published on: 2024-09-12 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-10-15 12:00:00
11) Tender ID: 1009550 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2024-25/02
Reference No.: App ID : 203966
Package Title: 1.RCC H/O Dulal to H/O Samsul,H/o Mahafuz to H/o Faruq.2. RCC H/O Dulal to H/O Motiar.b)H/O Chan to H/O Abu.3.RCC H/O Nur to H/O Harun.4.BC tollar more to h/o petor.5.(A)RCC R/D S/O Puspo to S/O Julu via H/O Samad (B)(i)RCC R/D H/O Shab to H/O Dulal & (ii)Drain Runu to H/O Rajone (W-18).6.RCC R/D A)Munsipara G/Y.B)(1)H/O Tuhin (2)link,C)RCC T/S Sitola Mondir.D)Pakpara to Mondir.E) Pakpara to H/0 Sohel.F) HID (w-20).7.A)Drain H/O Hafigul to H/o Ersad & b)D/S Keranipara mosque to H/O Khokon or Boshuniya potti quarter,W- 18, b)Drain keranipara to Adalot office(W-18),c)RCC R/D Kamarpara 2/1 Road H/o Anwar.W-22.8. a)R/D Adarshapara Mosque to H/O Amir(W-21),B)R/D Adorshopara Math& Link-T/S (W-21).9. a)Road Ganeshpur of Nasir to H/o Jalil W-22, b)Road Ganeshpur i) H/o Mijmul to H/o Mokhlesur and ii)Jahanur to H/o Salatuliah W-22,c)T/S Goneshpur to 22 no councillor.W-22.101)RC/D Tatipara H/o Selim to Faruk. 2)Road GuptaPara H/O imam goli.3)Drain T/S Kamal kasna Mosque to Gunjon more.11.Road Nurpur G/Y to Lakir MorW:26.12. A)R/D Chartola Moor to C/H,W=27 B)Drian Colony G/Y,W= 27.13. A)R/D H/O Samad to H/O Jabed W=27,B)R/D Senparah to H/o Arif.W-21.14. A)Drain Ansari More to H/O Rasid.B).Drain Packet Slab H/O Khandokar to H/0 Akbar& Asrotpur Basti.C)Road Tajhat G/Y & Eid Gha Field, W-28.15.R/D H/O Masud to H/O Dulu (W-29).16.R/D H/O Anower to H/O Azijer(W-30).17.A)R/D H/O Liton to H/O Shamim, B)Road H/O Mohila Councilor to H/O Dulal (W-29).18.Road at Najir Digor H/O Ekramul to kolarpara.(W-31).19.Road Dhormodas.W-32.20.Road H/O Nasir to Poschim para.21.Road at 1)Pan bari Road H/O Abu.(w-31) 2)Mullapara to H/O Manna(W-33).22. a)Road H/O Anwer to Foysal(W-04), b)RCC R/C H/O Polton to Selim Satrabas.W- 04.C)Road Sebassrom to H/O niranjon.W=06),d)ghatla at cobbishazari.w-06, e)UPVC Drain Masterpara Mosque.W-19.23.Drain & R/C H/O Sirajur to H/O Khoka & .W-04.24.Road H/O Abdur to Shahin.W-15.25.a)RCC Pipe Drain Hazir Khamar.
Published on: 2024-09-12 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-10-15 12:00:00
12) Tender ID: 1027723 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2024-25/01
Reference No.: App ID : 203966
Package Title: 1.RCC A) Akij Motahar ShopB)B/W Monthona G/Y(w-1). 2.RCC A) Gowalu to Hindupara.B)Gowalu To Gowalu School.C) H/O Aminul to H/0 Ferdous.D)H/Oanowarul to H/O Sunil(w-2). 3.CC Road and Drain Pandardhighi A) H/O Liyam to H/0 Seyad,H/0 Abul, Kalam,Link-2=H/0 Liton.B)H/0 Shohidul to H/0 Razzak.W-3.4.BC Road Hazipara H/O Hobibor to Hazipara School(W-1).5.(A)R.C.C H/O Motleb / Dipali to H/0 Hayder(W-4), (B)R.C.C Jolsotro from H/O Jolil to H/O Raju(W-4),( C )R.C.C H/0 Biru / Naraon to H/O Muchi(W-4), 2.(A)RCC R/C Fulamertol.6.(A)B/W Khotkhottia G/Y (W-5), (B)Drain and T/S H/O Babu to Canel (W-5) 7.BC H/O Chand To H/O Jahed Ali.Link Road H/O Sulta.(W-6).8.BC H/O Somas to H/O Dr Harun.9.BC H/O Kalam to H/O Aziz. 10.Uni-Block(1)H/O Vutu to H/o Belal.W-9.(2)H/O Atta to H/o Nurmohannadi.W-9.(3)Topodhon to Baitut madrasha.W-9.(4)H/o Motein to Ahaynal.W-9.(5)H/o Shona mia to H/o labu.W-9.(6)H/o Rofikul to H/o Monu.(w-9).7)H/o Rohoman To H/o Labu.W-9. 11.RCC-1)Vandermore to H/O obaidul.2) Bahar Kachna to H/0 Asraf to H/o Mohoshen.(W-9).12.B/W Derhalia Eid Gah.2)CC Road haripur to H/O Khitish link to H/O Dhoniram.13.a)BC Keranirhat masque,b)BC chairman more to H/O Mapu.14.a)Shampur to H/O Hamid.b)Gopinathpur H/O Abdullah.15.BC Jolkoria H/O Bacchu to Mahbub.16.A)RCC H/O Anisul to H/O Aminur.W-3).B)Drain H/O Rejaul.C)Drain Kellabondo H/0 Mokbul to H/0 Ekramul. D)Drain H/O Miraji to H/O Laboni.W-16. B)B/W Eidga Field kellabondo hafijiya.W-16. 17.RCC R/D (A)H/0 jahanur to H/O Rajjak. And Link - 01 RCC.(B)RCC H/0 Sekandar to H/0 Shahalom.W-17. 18.(A)Drain H/O Babu to H/O Kalam.W-19, B)R/D Nilkontho H/O Monir to H/O Saifur.W-19, C)RCC R/D H/O Polash to H/O Jahangir(W-19). 19.(A)RCC H/0 Aktar to mosque and Link H/O Atoar to H/0 Ashek.W- 17. (B)RCC Drain H/O Topon to H/O Councilor.W-17. 20.A)Road & SS Fencing S/O Noyon to H/O Taz at Jummapara.21.R/D A)Mistripara.B)H/O Joinal to H/O Khalil With Link.C)Drain at H/O Saiful.W= 23, 25.
Published on: 2024-10-27 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-11-14 12:00:00
13) Tender ID: 1028093 (Open Tendering Method (OTM))
Organization: Rangpur City Corporation
Procuring Entity: Rangpur City Corporation
Package No.: Rang-City/2024-25/03
Reference No.: App ID : 203966
Package Title: Purchase of stationary and printing goods under Rangpur City Corporation.
Published on: 2024-10-27 16:00:00 Closing Date and Time: 2024-11-14 12:00:00

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