Live Tender Notices of Bangladesh

Comprehensive database of public sector tenders of Bangladesh. বাংলা

➟ View the Latest published New tender notices.
➠ View the Live LTM tender notices.
Click here to view the live tenders by Division.
Click here to view the live tenders District-wise.
Click here to find the current tender notices by Upazilas.
Departmentwise tenders: here you can find out the IFT notices of your desired department.
Search all the live tenders using different options.. Use this simple but powerful tender search engine to find out your target tenders.
Tenders ending very soon.
Zilla Parishad tenders are good options for small local contractors.
Paurashava tenders may be your first choice to start your contracting business.
City Corporation tenders: you will get live tenders all the year round from the City Corporations.
University tenders: Government universities also uses eGP platform for inviting tenders.
Company tenders: Some of the government owned companies uses eGP portal although this is not compulsory for them unless they use public fund.
Offline tenders: Links to offline tender notices of government organizations of Bangladesh.
View the high value live tenders having Official Cost Estimate more than 200 lacs.
Tenders of the Foreign aided projects.
Sample Authorization Letter - Free download.
Download tender related resources.
Current tenders of the government projects of Bangladesh can be seen on this page.

The purpose of this website is to help the contractors, tenderers and bidders to find out the current tender notices of Bangladesh easily. eGP website has limited searching option of searching the e-gp tender notices. There is no scope of searching all tenders by district or upzila on the eGP system of CPTU. Also viewing the IFT of LTM tenders is difficult on eGP platform. Hopefully this website will help the prospective bidders to get their intended live tender notices easily.

View the bd live tender notices category-wise:
furniture, computer, equipment, Solar Panel, Office Equipment, lift, transformer, vehicles, Computer Accessories, Bridge construction, Office Building construction, Electric substation, Plantation, Uniforms & liveries, Manpower, Office Furniture, Soil Investigation, embankment construction, River Bank Protection work, Water Supply

The online government tender web portal of Bangladesh is known as eGP Portal. The eGP portal is operated by the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU). The website address is eGP has become the single most source of tender opportunities in Bangladesh. Now-a-days, most of the Goods and Works procuremnt are processed using the eGP portal.

eGP portal does offer the users to search active tender notices using several criteria. But the site still lacks many required functionalities like browsing the tenders districtwise. The website is developed with a view to help the prospective bidders to find out the target tender notices easily.

Public Procurement in Bangladesh is regulated by the PPA 2006 and PPR 2008. The regulatory body is CPTU under IMED. CPTU has developed an electronic procurement system known as eGP portal which is widely used by the government Procuring Entities for processing their procurement packages. eGP system has become the singlemost source of information regarding public sector tender opportunities in Bangladesh.
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