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eGP Tender ID: 957473; Works (NCT)

Reference No.: DA:PO/ADP/2023-24/P-03
Package Title: (1) Construction of footpath brick wall, RCC slab at Maizza Huzur Road (Ward No. 04) and also parawall in the pond of Abdur Rab Shaheb Bari (Ward No. 08) under Dagonbhuiyan Pourashava, Feni; (2) Construction of palisading work in the pond of Habu Doctor Bari at ward no. 03 under Dagonbhuiyan Pourashava, Feni; (3) Construction of brick wall in Upazila Hospital Road at ward no. 09 under Dagonbhuiyan Pourashava, Feni; (4) Construction of cross drain at Ramanandapur Kamini Master Bari Road at ward no. 06 under Dagonbhuiyan Pourashava, Feni; (5) Construction of palisading work in the pond of Joydeb Master Bari (Pal Bari) at ward no. 01 under Dagonbhuiyan Pourashava, Feni; (6) Construction of RCC top slab from Mohi Uddin Miar Bari to Noor Khalek Villa at ward no. 03 under Dagonbhuiyan Pourashava, Feni (L=272.00m); (7) Brickwork to support the road edging in Noor Mosjid road at ward no. 03 under Dagonbhuiyan Pourashava, Feni.
PE & Organization: Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives,Local Government Division,Dagonbhuiyan Paurashava,Office of the Daganbhuyan Pourashava, Feni
Procurement Method: LTM
IFT Published on: 2024-03-07 10:00:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-03-24 15:40:00
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