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eGP Tender ID: 1008766; Works (NCT)
APP ID: 203645;
District: Habiganj
Reference No.: APP ID 203645
Package Title: Construction of 2nos 7 storied (48 units apartment and 24 units apartment) Habiganj Paurashava Cleaners Residential Building including internal electrical works, lift & external electrical connection, electro-mechanical work, sanitary and water supply, earth work, internal road, drainage, boundary wall etc under Upazila: Sadar, Dist: Habiganj
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Habiganj
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
IFT Published on: 2024-08-20 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-09-17 16:00:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-09-18 13:00:00
Brief Description of Package: Pd/pori.abashan/Hobi.w 1.28
Construction of 2nos 7 storied (48 units apartment and 24 units apartment) Habiganj Paurashava Cleaners Residential Building including internal electrical works, lift & external electrical connection, electro-mechanical work, sanitary and water supply, earth work, internal road, drainage, boundary wall etc under Upazila: Sadar, Dist: Habiganj (2nd Call)
Tender Document Price: Tk. 4000;
Tender Security: 6000000 BDT
Official Cost Estimate (Prediction):
* Since document price is Tk. 4000, estimated cost should be more than 2 crore BDT.
* Tender Security can be maximum 3% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost is more than Tk. 200000000.
* Tender Security is normally more than 1% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost should be less than 600000000 BDT.
Thus, Official Cost Estimate should be BDT. 200000000 ~ 600000000.
Eligibility criteria:
As per Tender Document
Project: Paurashava Cleaners Residential Building Construction Project (PCRBCP)
Location of work / delivery: Habiganj Sadar
Budget Type: Development
Category: Construction work; Site preparation work; Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work; Test drilling and boring work; Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work; Building construction work; Engineering works and construction works; Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork; Construction work for water projects; Construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry; Roof works and other special trade construction works; Building installation work; Electrical installation work; Insulation work; Plumbing and sanitary works; Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work; Mechanical installations; Building completion work; Plastering work; Joinery and carpentry installation work; Floor and wall covering work; Painting and glazing work; Other building completion work; Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator; Hire of cranes with operator; Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
PE Address: XEN Office, LGED, Habiganj, City: Habiganj, Thana: Azmiriganj, District: Habiganj - 3300, Country: Bangladesh,
See more tenders from
Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Habiganj; Local Government Engineering Department (LGED):
1059865 : CAFDRIRP/Habiganj/UZR/FD/W-19/2024-25
Rehabilitation of Nabiganj (Rifatpur) - Timirpur Road via Paikpara from Ch. 00m-5170m (Road ID No. 636772010) under Nabiganj Upazila, District: Habiganj
1029699 : LGED/GOBM/Habi/24-25/RW-22
Rehabilitation of Azmirigonj-Paharpur Road from ch. 2030m-8600m [Azmirigonj][Habiganj], Road Id:636022003
1029698 : LGED/GOBM/Habi/24-25/RW-21
Periodic Maintenance of Dhuliakhai-Mirpur Road (Sadar part) from ch.00m-5000m [Habiganj Sadar] [Habiganj], Road ID: 636442006
1028474 : Pd/pori.abashan/Hobi.w 1.28
Construction of 2nos 7 storied (48 units apartment and 24 units apartment) Habiganj Paurashava Cleaners Residential Building including internal electrical works, lift & external electrical connection, electro-mechanical work, sanitary and water supply, earth work, internal road, drainage, boundary wall etc under Upazila: Sadar, Dist: Habiganj
1009489 : LGED/W-14A/Bridge-Culvert-15
Reconstruction/construction of Bridge/Culvert in Habiganj District, Area-1 A) Re-Construction of 25.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Nurpur (NHW)-Sutang GC Aminpur Road At Ch.6250m, Under Habiganj Sadar Upazila, District: Habiganj. Road ID No-636443007 B) Re-Construction of 3x3.70m x5.00m RCC Box Culvert on Shahaji bazar-Sadhur Bazar Road At ch. 7497 m Under Habiganj Sadar Upazila, District: Habiganj. Road ID No-636442005 (Salvage Material Cost: 309108.00) C) Re-Construction of 20.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Nurpur (NHW)-Sutang GC Aminpur Road At Ch.7850m, Under Habiganj Sadar Upazila, District: Habiganj. Road ID No-636443007 (Salvage Material Cost: 181458.00) D) Re-Construction of 18.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Kamaichara Faizabad via Rashidpur Rampur Tea Estate Road At Ch.2100.00m, Under Bahubal Upazila, District: Habiganj.Road ID No-636054048 E) Re-Construction of 25.00m Long PSC Girder Bridge on Bahubal UP Office-Rajapur Bazar Road At Ch.2800.00m, Under Bahubal Upazila, District: Habiganj. Road ID No-636053010 F) Re-Construction of 3x5.50mx3.00n RCC Box Culvert on Pakuria Battola- Taltola (MiraShi-Kalenga) Road At ch.203.00m Under Chunarughat Upazila, District: Habiganj. Road ID No- 636264082 (Salvage Material Cost: 47307.00) G) Re-Construction of 18.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Chunarughat UP Office-Shakir Mohamed Bazar Road At Ch. 3090.00m Under Chunarughat Upazila, District: Habiganj. Road ID No-636263010 (Salvage Material Cost: 14076.00) H) Re-Construction of 20.00m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Kashim Nagar Bazar-Chowmohoni UP via Bahara Rubber Dam Road At Ch.2528.00m, Under Madhabpur Upazila, District: Habiganj. Road ID No- 636443005 I) Re-Construction of 30.00m Long RCC (Variable Depth) Girder Bridge on Inathganj College- Burhanpur Road at Ch.155 m, Under Nabiganj Upazila, District: Habiganj. Road ID No-636774007(Salvage Material Cost: 152525.00)
1001872 : SDIRIIP/Habi/SOTR/W- 021
(a) 636113009- Improvement Kagapasha Bazar-Kagapasha UP office via Gokrapur Road Ch. 00-2000m by RCC, Upazila: Baniachong, Dist: Habiganj. (b) 636113009- Improvement Kagapasha Bazar-Kagapasha UP office via Gokrapur Road Ch. 00-2000m by Earth work. (c) 636113009-Construction of (i) No. Box Culvert (2.50mx2.50m) at Ch. 760m (ii) 02 Nos Drainage Culvert size (1.0mx1.0m) at Ch. 1285m & 1500m. Total Length=4.50m on the same road. (d) 636113009- Palisading Work Length=296.00m on the same road.
1001869 : SDIRIIP/Habi/VR/W-086
(a) 636714030-Kalikapur-Kamalpur road Ch. 00-3000m by BC Upazila: Madhabpur, Dist: Habiganj. (b) 636714030-Construction of (i) 01 No. Box Culvert (2x4.50mx4.50m) at Ch. 1070m (ii) 05 No. U Drain (0.625mx0.625m) at Ch. 507,621,800,1442 & 2440m. Total Length=12.12m on the same road. (c) Palisading work, Length=330.00m on the same road.
1001868 : Pd/pori.abashan/Hobi.w 1.28
Construction of 2nos 7 storied (48 units apartment and 24 units apartment) Habiganj Paurashava Cleaners Residential Building including internal electrical works, lift & external electrical connection, electro-mechanical work, sanitary and water supply, earth work, internal road, drainage, boundary wall etc under Upazila: Sadar, Dist: Habiganj
1000709 : LGED/W-2B/Habiganj-2
Road rehabilitation works in Habiganj District, Area R-2 A) Rehabilitation of Bulla UP Office-Moriuak Fandauk via shinghagram Road at ch. 00-1610m under Lakhai Upazila, Dist.- Habiganj, ID No-636683001 (Salvage Material Cost: BDT 4,08,079.00) B) Rehabilitation of Bulla Bazar-Varponni to Sozatpur Road at ch. 00-4420m under Lakhai Upazila, Dist.-Habiganj, ID No-636682003 C) Rehabilitation of Aushkani-Nilam bazar-Karimpur Road at ch. 00-3360m under Nabiganj Upazila, Dist.-Habiganj, ID No-636773013 (Salvage Material Cost: BDT 9,66,339.00) D) Rehabilitation of Lakhai R&H-Rajiura via Hurgaon Road at ch. 00-2000m & 4000-6000m under Sadar Upazila, Dist.-Habiganj, ID No-636442008 (Salvage Material Cost: BDT 8,67,830.00) E) Rehabilitation of Snanghat UP Office-Raisgonj bazar (Bir Moktijuddha Makhanlal Das) Road at ch. 00-6950m under Bahubal Upazila, Dist.-Habiganj, ID No-636053001 (Salvage Material Cost: BDT 11,16,717.00)