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eGP Tender ID: 1003770; Works (NCT)
APP ID: 204337; District: Satkhira
Reference No.: 1T-4/64, dated:14-07-2024
Package Title: Permanent Protective work with rehabilitation of Embankment of Length 0.150 km from km 13.500 to km 13.650 of Polder No. 15 at Labubunia under "Rehabilitation of polder-15 at Satkhira District" Project
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Satkhira O&M Division-1
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
IFT Published on: 2024-07-14 15:10:00
Document last selling: 2024-08-13 16:00:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-08-14 14:00:00
Brief Description of Package: W Sat-1/10/2024-25
Permanent Protective work with rehabilitation of Embankment of Length 0.150 km from km 13.500 to km 13.650 of Polder No. 15 at Labubunia under "Rehabilitation of polder-15 at Satkhira District" Project
Tender Document Price: Tk. 4000; Tender Security: 2500000 BDT
Official Cost Estimate (Prediction):
* Since document price is Tk. 4000, estimated cost should be more than 2 crore BDT.
* Tender Security can be maximum 3% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost is more than Tk. 83333333.
* Tender Security is normally more than 1% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost should be less than 250000000 BDT.
Thus, Official Cost Estimate should be BDT. 83333333 ~ 250000000.

Eligibility criteria:
Criteria for Eligible contractor:
All the egp enlisted contractor satisfying the criteria mentioned in e-PW3 document attached herewith as per PPA-2006 and latest PPR-2008. The following conditions are applicable:
Payment of work will be made on availability of budget & fund release. No extra claim/ interest for delaying in payment will be entertained. R/A bill will be entertained on the availability of budget and fund. But work progress will not be hampered for lack of fund release/ want of R/A Bill.
Latest Technical specification for civil work of BWDB will govern provided in particular specifications.
The design may be changed/altered/revised (if required) and quantity of tender item may be increased or decreased.
Prework & Postwork will be taken by Taskforce and BWDB’s concern engineer in charge. Final Payment will be made on the measurement taken by Taskforce.
The selected contractor will handover total work site at a time. No scope to handover the site partly.
The all the conditions are specified in separate sheet attached in General specifications
Taskforce guideline of BWDB will govern enclosed in General specifications.
Project: Rehabilitation of Polder No. 15 in Satkhira District
Location of work / delivery: Shyamnagar, Satkhira
Budget Type: Development
Category: Construction work for water projects; Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work;
PE Address: Satkhira, City: Satkhira, Thana: Satkhira Sadar, District: Satkhira - 9400, Country: Bangladesh,

See more tenders from Satkhira O&M Division-1; Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB):
1024866 : W Sat-1/3/2023-24 Permanent Protective work with Rehabilitation of Embankment of Length 0.450 km from km 6.430 to km 6.880 of Polder No. 15 at Chadnimukha under "Rehabilitation of polder-15 in Satkhira District" Project.
1007496 : W Sat1/29 Re-Construction of DS- Ramnagar Sluice (4-Vent) at Polder No-1 in Satkhira District.
1003775 : NDR Sat1/P-01/2024-25 Supply, Filling & Placing of 3000 nos. 175 kg Polyster Geotextile bag for Emergency Flood Fighting at various places of Satkhira District as per instruction of Engineer in charge under Satkhira O&M Division-1.
1003771 : W Sat-1/26/2024-25 Permanent Protective work with rehabilitation of Embankment of Length 0.290 km in between from km 0.450 to km 0.880 at Horiskhali and Rehabilitation of Embankment with Slope Protection of Length 0.450 km from km 5.680 to km 6.130 at Chadnimukha of Polder No. 15 under "Rehabilitation of polder-15 at Satkhira District" Project
989692 : W Sat-1/3/2023-24 Permanent Protective work with Rehabilitation of Embankment of Length 0.450 km from km 6.430 to km 6.880 of Polder No. 15 at Chadnimukha under "Rehabilitation of polder-15 in Satkhira District" Project.
See live tender notices for embankment.
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