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eGP Tender ID: 1003647; Works (NCT)
APP ID: 204258; District: Netrokona
Reference No.: Memo No: 132/EE/DPHE/Netrokona,dt:15.07.2024
Package Title: Installation of 84 Nos 100 mm x 38 mm dia Deep Tubewell with Submersible Pump at Mohonganj Upazila of Netrokona District of Department of Public Health Engineering during 2024-25 Financial Year under Project for Safe Water Supply Throughout the Country.
Organization: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer,DPHE,Netrokona
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
IFT Published on: 2024-07-15 20:30:00
Document last selling: 2024-08-04 16:00:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-08-05 13:00:00
Brief Description of Package: Installation of 84 Nos 100 mm x 38 mm dia Deep Tubewell with Submersible Pump at Mohonganj Upazila of Netrokona District of Department of Public Health Engineering during 2024-25 Financial Year under Project for Safe Water Supply Throughout the Country.
Tender Document Price: Tk. 2000; Tender Security: 350000 BDT
Official Cost Estimate (Prediction):
* Since document price is Tk. 2000, estimated cost should be more than 50 lacs BDT, but less than or equal 2 crore BDT.
* Tender Security can be maximum 3% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost is more than Tk. 11666666.
* Tender Security is normally more than 1% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost should be less than 35000000 BDT.
Thus, Official Cost Estimate should be BDT. 11666666 ~ 20000000.

Eligibility criteria:
As Per TDS and Last Amendment of PPR-2008 and Last Circular of CPTU.
The Minimum number of Years of general experience of the Tenderer in the construction works as Prime Contractor or Subcontractor or Management Contractor Shall be 05 (Five) years. Years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the e-GP website.
A satisfactory Completion of similar works of at least Tk. 95,00,000.00(Ninety Five Lac) under 01(One) Contract over a period of 05(Five) years shall be required. Years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the e-GP website.
The required average annual construction turnover shall be greater than Tk. 1,50,00,000.00(One Crore and Fifty Lac) Over the last 05(Five) years. Years counting backward from the date of publication of IFT in the e-GP website. Turnover calculation will be cumulatively for more than one package/lot which are opened/published in a same date.
The minimum amount of liquid assets or working capital or credit facilities of the Tenderer shall be Tk. 60,00,000.00(Sixty Lac). Liquid asset calculation will be cumulatively for more than one package/lot which are opened/published in a same date.
The Quoted Tender will be non-responsive if the Quoted price is more than 10 percent less or 10 percent above of the official cost estimate.
Without Containing PE's Memo & Name, Work Order Amount, completed amount, Completion Date, official ref no./memo, e-Mail (if Possible), Experience Certificate/Payment Certificate will be disregarded for evaluation process.
Bank Statement must be within Publishing date to closing date of Tender or Credit facility must be in PW3-7 form otherwise the Tender would be considered as Non-Responsive.
Project: Project for Safe Water Supply Throughout the Country.
Location of work / delivery: Different Unions of Mohonganj Upazila of Netrokona District
Budget Type: Development
Category: Site preparation work; Construction work; Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work; Test drilling and boring work
PE Address: Office of the Executive Engineer,DPHE,Netrokona, City: Netrokona, Thana: Netrakona Sadar, District: Netrokona - 2400, Country: Bangladesh,

See more tenders from Office of the Executive Engineer,DPHE,Netrokona; Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE):
1059841 : DPHE/W-1_E/RTW-5. Rehabilitation of 100 Nos Tubewell/Tubewell with Submersible Pump at Different Upazila of Netrokona District under Flood Reconstruction Emergency Assistance Project For Water Supply and Sanitation(GoB-ADB) of Department of Public Health Engineering during 2024-25 Financial Year.
1059423 : R and R_Atpara_24-25_1 Repair and Renovation of Atpara Upazila Office Building of Department of Public Health Engineering under Netrokona district by Revenue Budget during the Financial Year 2024-2025.
1059422 : R and R_Mohanganj_Land Development_24-25_1 Land Development at Mohanganj Office Complex of Department of Public Health Engineering under Netrokona district by Revenue Budget for the Financial Year 2024-2025.
1059421 : R and R_Mohanganj_24-25_1 Repair and Renovation of Mohanganj Upazila Office Building of Department of Public Health Engineering under Netrokona district by Revenue Budget during the Financial Year 2024-2025.
1059420 : R and R Durgapur_24-25_1 Repair and Renovation of Durgapur Upazila Office Building of Department of Public Health Engineering under Netrokona district by Revenue Budget during the Financial Year 2024-2025.
1059419 : R and R_Netrokona_24-25_1 Repair and Renovation of District Office Building, Renovation of I. B Gate and Repair of Wakto Mosque at Executive Engineer Office Complex of Department of Public health Engineering under Netrokona District by Revenue Budget for the Financial Year 2024-2025.
See live tender notices for water supply.
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