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eGP Tender ID: 1002053; Works (NCT)
APP ID: 194754; District: Lakshmipur
Reference No.: APP ID : 194754
Package Title: Construction of 04(Four) Storied Female Hostel Building with 06(Six) storied Foundation at Laxmipur PTI [Sadar]
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Lakshmipur
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
IFT Published on: 2024-07-14 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-08-13 12:00:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-08-13 16:00:00
Brief Description of Package: e-Tender/PEDP4/LKS/2023-24/W 11.104
Construction of 04(Four) Storied Female Hostel Building with 06(Six) storied Foundation at Laxmipur PTI [Sadar]

Revised RDPP of PEDP4 is under approval process. So, contract agreement can not be signed before RDPP approval if RDPP(2nd version) of PEDP4 does not get approval then Tender will be cancelled.
Tender Document Price: Tk. 4000; Tender Security: 5000000 BDT
Official Cost Estimate (Prediction):
* Since document price is Tk. 4000, estimated cost should be more than 2 crore BDT.
* Tender Security can be maximum 3% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost is more than Tk. 166666666.
* Tender Security is normally more than 1% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost should be less than 500000000 BDT.
Thus, Official Cost Estimate should be BDT. 166666666 ~ 500000000.

Eligibility criteria:
As per ITT and TDS
Project: Fourth Primary Education Development Program
Location of work / delivery: Sadar
Budget Type: Development
Development Partner: World Bank
Category: Construction work; Site preparation work; Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work; Test drilling and boring work; Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work; Building construction work; Engineering works and construction works; Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork; Construction work for water projects; Construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry; Roof works and other special trade construction works; Building installation work; Electrical installation work; Insulation work; Plumbing and sanitary works; Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work; Mechanical installations; Building completion work; Plastering work; Joinery and carpentry installation work; Floor and wall covering work; Painting and glazing work; Other building completion work; Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator; Hire of cranes with operator; Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
PE Address: XEN Office, LGED, Lakshmipur, City: Lakshmipur, Thana: Laxmipur Sadar, District: Laksmipur - 3700, Country: Bangladesh,

See more tenders from Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Lakshmipur; Local Government Engineering Department (LGED):
1063957 : IRIDPNFL/LAX/SAD/VR BDG/24-25/W-1720 Construction of 42.00m RCC Variable Girder Bridge on Bashuduhita School Road (Andhar gor) road at ch10.00m Road ID: 451434049 [Laxmipur-S]
1008879 : IRIDPNFL/LAX/RGJ/VR BC/24-25/W-337 (a) Improvement of Chitishi-Earshad hossain road to west Bhadur Bepari bari road (Ch. 00-1450m) under Ramganj Upazila, District: Laxmipur, ID no: 451655140 Salvage Cost (Tk.): 1,16,210.00 (b) Construction of 1vent Box Culvert 1X4.00X4.00m Chitishi-Earshad hossain road to west Bhadur Bepari bari road at ch.1450m [Ramganj]
1007410 : IRIDPNFL/LAX/RGJ/RHB/24-25/W-1433 Maintenance of Sonapur GC-Kanchanpur UP RD via Nobigonj bazar (Ch. 150m-3000m) under Ramganj Upazila, District: Laxmipur, ID no: 451653009 Construction of RCC Road Work on Sonapur GC-Kanchanpur UP RD via Nobigonj bazar (Ch. 00m-150m) [Ramganj]
998182 : CDWSP/LAX/RAMP/W-02 Widening and Strengthening of Alipur-Dalta Bazar GC Road Ch: 00-8185m. Road ID No. 451652001. Value of Recovered Material Tk = 15,94,676.00 [Ramganj]
997994 : CW-128/RCIP/LAX 01. Improvement of Hazirpara-Chowpalli Road at Ch.0.00m-3170m. Effective Length =3.17 km under Sadar Upazila District: Laxmipur (Road Id: 451432004) Cost of Salvage Material: TK: 6,10,149.00 & 02.Improvement of Haidergonj GC -Laxmipur R&H More via Mollarhat Bazar Road at Ch.9650 m-21650m. Effective Length=12 km under Raipur Upazila, District Laxmipur (Road ID:451582004) Cost of Salvage Material: TK: 8,89,077.28 , Total Cost of Salvage Material: TK:14,99,226.28.
See live tender notices for building.
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