Currently Active OTM tenders of Dhobaura Upazila, Mymensingh. Dhobaura upazila is located under the district Mymensingh.

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Upazila - Dhobaura; District - Mymensingh; Method - OTM.
Live tenders on eGP platform (
1) Tender ID: 1066282
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/SSWRD-2/BD-P98/24-25/76144-Structures.
(a) Construction of Geria Beel Regulator 5 Vent (2.0mx2.5m) at ch0+030km (khal), (b)WMCA Office Building , (f) Electrical works, Supply of Furniture, Supply of Computer & Documentation of work Geria Beel sub project (SP ID-76144) Under Upazilla : Dhobaura, District: Mymensingh.
Published on: 2025-01-30 12:00:00 Document last selling: 2025-02-23 12:00:00
2) Tender ID: 1063904
Organization: Directorate of Technical Education
Procuring Entity: Office of the Principal, Dhobaura Govt. Technical School and College
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: DGTSC_APP_2024-25_Raw Materials_3256105
Goods: Supply of Raw Materials & Spare Parts
Published on: 2025-01-19 10:30:00 Document last selling: 2025-02-02 11:00:00
3) Tender ID: 1063799
Organization: Directorate of Technical Education
Procuring Entity: Office of the Principal, Dhobaura Govt. Technical School and College
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: DGTSC_APP_2024-25_Teaching Materials_4112312
Goods: Supply of Teaching & Training Materials
Published on: 2025-01-19 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2025-02-02 11:00:00
4) Tender ID: 1046944
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Mymensingh WD Division
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MYM/NDR/2024-25/Nitai-03
Breach Closing with re-sectioning of Flood Control Embankment along the Right Bank of Nitai River in different places in c/w Nitai River FC Sub-Project under NDR budget at Upazila- Dhobaura under Mymensingh WD Division, BWDB, Mymensingh during the F.Y 2024-25.
Published on: 2024-12-08 19:45:00 Document last selling: 2024-12-23 11:39:00
5) Tender ID: 1046943
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Mymensingh WD Division
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MYM/NDR/2024-25/Nitai-02
Precautionary River Bank Protective work with sand-cement-gunny bags to protect Gamaritola settlement Project along the left bank of Nitai River from Km 0.090 to Km 0.160 =70.00 meter in c/w Nitai River sub-project under NDR budget in Upazila-Dhobaura under Mymensingh WD Division, BWDB, Mymensingh during the F.Y 2024-2025.
Published on: 2024-12-08 21:05:00 Document last selling: 2024-12-23 11:38:00
6) Tender ID: 1038274
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RD-02
Improvement of Goatola GC - Purakandulia GC via Raghurampur Bazar Road by BC at Ch.4300m - 6750m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361162009).
Published on: 2024-12-05 12:00:00 Document last selling: 2025-01-05 12:00:00
7) Tender ID: 1023380
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MYM/DHO/2024-2025/W17.01532
Major Maintenance Ramnathpur GPS, Sohagipara GPS, Chhoto munshipara GPS, Khathal kushi GPS Under PEDP4
Published on: 2024-10-09 09:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-29 16:00:00
8) Tender ID: 1018978
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RDR-09
Improvement of Dhobaura Haluaghat RHD (Mandalia) - Beltoli Bazar Road by BC at Ch. 800m - 1800m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361163012).
Published on: 2024-10-01 14:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-24 13:00:00
9) Tender ID: 1018977
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RD-12.
Improvement of Uttar Shalkona - Shapmari Bazar Road via Thaltole Road by BC at Ch. 00m - 960m & Ch. 2460m - 3100m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361164024).
Published on: 2024-10-16 12:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-11-10 16:00:00
10) Tender ID: 1018790
Organization: Education Engineering Department
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, EED,Mymensingh, District.
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Gp/EED/Fur.Rev /MYM/G-11
Manufacturing & Supplying of Furniture at Bindu Basini Girls High School, Dhobaura, Mymensingh.
Published on: 2024-10-02 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-16 12:30:00
11) Tender ID: 1018057
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RDR-07
Improvement of Dhobaura Upazila (Bazar) Goatola GC via Ashirgonj Sonatia Road by BC at Ch. 3250m - 3930m & Ch. 7830m - 8650m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361163010).
Published on: 2024-09-25 14:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-17 13:00:00
12) Tender ID: 1017718
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MYM/DHO/2024-25/W17.01534
Major Maintenance of BOTIHALA GPS, BEATGACHIA GPS, Matikhola GPS Under PEDP4
Published on: 2024-10-09 09:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-29 16:00:00
13) Tender ID: 1017717
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MYM/DHO/2024-25/W17.01533
Major Maintenance of Ghosh Gaon GPS, Mekiar Kanda GPS, Patam GPS Under PEDP4
Published on: 2024-10-09 09:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-29 16:00:00
14) Tender ID: 1015651
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MYM/DHO/2023-24/W15B.01942
Construction of Head Teacher's Room with attached toilet of Rajibpur GPS and Patam GPS under PEDP4
Published on: 2024-10-09 12:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-29 16:00:00
15) Tender ID: 1015650
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MMN/DHO/2024-25/W15A.01560
Construction of Head Teacher's Room with attached Toilet of Raghu Rampur Nuton Bazar under PEDP4
Published on: 2024-10-09 09:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-29 16:00:00
16) Tender ID: 1014526
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RDR-03
Improvement of Ghoshgon GC - Kolsindur GC via Roypur Road by BC at Ch. 2360m - 5360m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361162010).
Published on: 2024-09-12 14:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-10 13:00:00
17) Tender ID: 1013946
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RDR-05
Improvement of Dhobaura Upazila H/Q - Milon Bazar Road via Ranigoang & Chariakanda Bazar Road by BC at Ch.00m - 740m & Ch. 4127m - 5687m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361163003).
Published on: 2024-09-10 14:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-10-03 13:00:00
18) Tender ID: 997869
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: UTMIDP-MYME/DHOB/WSS-71
Contruction of Slaugther Shed At Dhobaura Bazar Under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh.
Published on: 2024-08-18 14:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-09-01 13:00:00
19) Tender ID: 986381
Organization: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, DPHE,Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: REV-TW- 20
Installation of 20 Nos. Deep Tube well (100*38) with Submersible Pump of DPHE at Haluaghat & Dhobaura Upazila in Mymensingh District under Revenue Budget. FY: 2023-2024.
Published on: 2024-05-19 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-06-02 14:00:00
20) Tender ID: 984189
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Mymensingh O&M Division
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MYM/NDR/2023-24/Nitai-04
Temporary Protective work with sand-cement-gunny Bags along the Right bank of Nitai River from Km 37.430 to Km 37.281=70.00 meter in c/w Nitai River sub-project under NDR budget at Union:- Purakandulia, Upazila:- Dhobaura under Mymensingh O&M Division, BWDB, Mymensingh during the F.Y 2023-2024.
Published on: 2024-05-12 11:35:00 Document last selling: 2024-05-26 13:03:00
21) Tender ID: 965741
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Mymensingh O&M Division
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MYM/NDR/2023-24/Nitai-03
Precautionary River Bank Protective work with sand-cement-gunny bags to protect Gamaritola settlement Project along the left bank of Nitai River from Km 0.00 to Km 0.053 =53.00 meter in c/w Nitai River sub-project under NDR budget in Upazila-Dhobaura under Mymensingh O&M Division, BWDB, Mymensingh during the F.Y 2023-2024.
Published on: 2024-03-24 11:53:00 Document last selling: 2024-04-09 12:51:00
22) Tender ID: 948632
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/SSWRDP-2/BD-P98/23-24/33055-Structures.
(a) Modification of Tarai Nadi WRS-2 (4V-1.5mx2.0m) at Ch.4+965 Km (Khal) Addition of 1 Vent (1v-2.0mX2.0m) Gated Structure on L/S OF Existing Structure Under Tarai Nadi (1V-2.0mx2.0m), (b) Modification of Tarai Nadi WRS-2 (4V-1.5mx2.0m) at Ch.4+965 Km (Khal) Addition of 1 Vent (1v-2.0mx2.0m) Gated Structure on R/S OF Existing Structure Under Tarai Nadi (1V-2.0mx2.0m) (c) Replacement Lifting Device of Existing Tarai Nadi WRS-1 at Ch.0+050 Km(6V-1.5mx2.0m), (d) Documentation of Works of Tarai Nadi Sub-Project (SP ID-33055) Under Upazila: Dhobaura, District: Mymensingh.
Published on: 2024-02-15 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-03-07 13:00:00
23) Tender ID: 941868
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MYM/DHO/2023-24/W2.06647
Construction of additional class room Dharsha Purba Para under PEDP4
Published on: 2024-01-30 09:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-02-13 16:00:00
24) Tender ID: 936911
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MYM/DHO/2023-24/W1.04588
Construction of additional Class Room of Gujir Kandi Government Primary School under PEDP4
Published on: 2024-01-30 09:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-02-13 16:00:00
25) Tender ID: 932483
Organization: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, DPHE,Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: PEDP4/WB-1859
Construction of 12 Nos. single storied RCC WASH Block having 2 storied foundation for MT & Boys and FT & Girls including all associated construction, sanitary, plumbing & electrical works at Haluaghat and Dhobaura upazila in Mymensingh District under Primary Education Development Program - 4 (PEDP 4), Fy: 2023-2024.
Published on: 2024-01-08 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-01-21 14:00:00
26) Tender ID: 931965
Organization: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, DPHE,Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: PEDP4/WB-1835
Construction of 10 Nos. 2 storied RCC WASH Block having 2 storied foundation for MT & Boys and FT & Girls including all associated construction, sanitary, plumbing & electrical works at Haluaghat and Dhobaura upazila in Mymensingh District under Primary Education Development Program - 4 (PEDP 4), Fy: 2023-2024.
Published on: 2024-01-08 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-01-21 14:00:00
27) Tender ID: 927213
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Mymensingh O&M Division
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MYM/NDR/2023-24/Nitai-01
Temporary Protective work with sand-cement-gunny Bags along the Right bank of Nitai River from Km 37.204 to Km 37.281=77.00 meter in c/w Nitai River sub-project under NDR budget at Union:- Purakandulia, Upazila:- Dhobaura under Mymensingh O&M Division, BWDB, Mymensingh during the F.Y 2023-2024.
Published on: 2023-12-20 19:22:00 Document last selling: 2024-01-03 18:41:00
28) Tender ID: 927204
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Mymensingh O&M Division
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MYM/NDR/2023-24/Nitai-02
Re-sectioning of Flood Control Embankment along the Right Bank of Nitai River from km 6.550 to km 6.850 =300.00 meter in c/w Nitai River FC Sub-Project under NDR budget at Upazila- Dhobaura under Mymensingh O&M Division, BWDB, Mymensingh during the F.Y 2023-24.
Published on: 2024-02-04 19:35:00 Document last selling: 2024-03-03 12:20:00
29) Tender ID: 907302
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RD-04
Improvement of Kalsindur GC - Purakandulia GC via Bathgashia & Moulove Bazar (Start Kolsindur GC) Road by BC at Ch.00m - 2750m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361162011).[Salvage Cost: 1822021.00]
Published on: 2024-01-08 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-01-31 13:00:00
30) Tender ID: 907275
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RD-01
Improvement of Munshirhat GC - Kolsindur GC GC Rd via Hossan Bazar (Munshirhat GC Start) Road by BC at Ch.1000m - 5800m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361162008).[Salvage Cost: 5704720.00]
Published on: 2024-01-08 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2024-02-08 13:00:00
31) Tender ID: 901211
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CAFDRIRP/Mymensingh/UNR/ER/W-22/2023-24
Rehabilitation of Dhudnoy Bazar - Gamaritola UP (Kolaindur GC) Road from Ch.00m - 4794m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh. (Road ID No: 361163002).
Published on: 2023-11-20 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-12-14 13:00:00
32) Tender ID: 895456
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRRIDP/23/MYM/DHOB/UZR/461
Improvement of Ghoshgoan GC - Kolsindur GC via Roypur Road by BC at Ch. 00m - 2360m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361162010).
Published on: 2023-11-02 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-11-23 13:00:00
33) Tender ID: 893549
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RD-08
Improvement of Bagber UP (Munshirhat GC) - Ershad Bazar via Goliovanga Road by BC at Ch.1440m - 2740m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361163006).
Published on: 2023-11-08 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-11-30 13:00:00
34) Tender ID: 884371
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRIDP/DUB/RD-06
Improvement of Dhobaura UP - Ershad Bazar via Khodan Bazar & Shapmari Bazar Road by BC at Ch.3580m - 4610m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361163004) [Salvage Cost: 448415.00]
Published on: 2023-10-31 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-11-21 13:00:00
35) Tender ID: 880765
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: SupRB/Mymen/CE/23-24/W-72
Capacity Expansion of 36.00m RCC Girder Bridge with Construction of 36.06m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Dhobaura Upazila H/Q - Purakandolia GC Road at Chainage: 13m [361162004] under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh.
Published on: 2023-10-10 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-11-05 13:00:00
36) Tender ID: 880382
Organization: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, DPHE,Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: GPS-TW-295
Installation of 38 nos 100 x 50 mm dia. deep tube well with 1.5 submersible pump at different primary schools of Mymensingh District at Haluaghat, Dhobaura & different Upazila under Need Based Infrastructure Development of Government Primary Schools (NBIDGPS-1) Fy: 2023-2024.
Published on: 2023-10-01 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-10-15 14:00:00
37) Tender ID: 875572
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRRIDP/23/MYM/DHOB/UNR/462
Improvement of Ghoshgoan UP (Ghoshgoan GC) - Charuapara Bazar via Bagpara Bazar & Saddam Bazar Road by BC at Ch. 4529m - 7040m With Construction of 02 Nos. 3.00m x 2.5m Box Culvert Raod Ch. 5908m & Ch. 6331m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361163017).
Published on: 2023-10-04 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-10-30 13:00:00
38) Tender ID: 875571
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRRIDP/23/MYM/DHOB/UZR/461
Improvement of Ghoshgoan GC - Kolsindur GC via Roypur Road by BC at Ch. 00m - 2360m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361162010).
Published on: 2023-10-04 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-10-29 13:00:00
39) Tender ID: 871783
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/SSWRDP-2/BD-P98/2023-2024/33056-Hydraulic/S
Package No-02: (a) Construction of Ganai Khal 2V-(1.5mX2.0m) At Ch. (-) 0+060 Km on Ganai Khal, (b) Construction of Header Tank, (c) Burried Pipe Network System, (d) Construction of Rangina Khal Wire 1 BAY -(8.0m x 2.0m) At Ch. 0+000 Km, (e) Rehabilitation of Bamanbadua WRS (4V-1.5m x 2.0m) At Ch. 0+000Km of Pachai Khal, (f) Rehabilitation of Tengramari WRS (3V-1.5m x 2.0m) At Ch. 3+100 Km of Pachai Khal, (g) Construction of Pump Room and Sump Connection with Existing Header Tank & Nitai River, (h) Documentation work of Pachai Khal Sub - Project (SP ID-33056) Under Upazila: Dhobaura, District: Mymensingh.
Published on: 2023-09-20 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-10-17 13:00:00
40) Tender ID: 871782
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/SSWRDP-2/BD-P98/2023-2024-Agri-business/c
Package No-01: (a) Detail Estimate for Construction of Gate & Boundary Wall, (b) Detail Estimate for Construction of HBB Road, (c) Detail Estimate for Construction of Sun Drying Floor, (d) Detail Estimates for Construction of one Storied Grain Storage Building, Buying & Selling Center & Toilet Blocks, (e) Detail Estimates for Construction of Office Cum Garage, (f) Site Development of Agribusiness Centre area, (g) Supply of computer & related items, (h) Documentation work of Pachai Khal Sub - Project (SP ID-33056) Under Upazila: Dhobaura, District: Mymensingh.
Published on: 2023-09-13 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-10-12 13:00:00
41) Tender ID: 869772
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRRIDP/23/MYM/DHOB/UNR/440
Improvement of Dhobaura UP Bazar - Goatola GC via Ashirgonj, Sonatia Bazar Road by BC at Ch. 570m - 3250m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361163010).
Published on: 2023-10-04 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-10-26 13:00:00
42) Tender ID: 869770
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: MRRIDP/23/MYM/DHOB/UNR/439
Improvement of Gamaritola UP Kolsindur GC - Moulovi Bazar via Ranshingpur Bazar Road by BC at Ch. 4222m - 6800m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh (Road ID: 361163007).
Published on: 2023-10-29 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-11-19 13:00:00
43) Tender ID: 867677
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/LGED/MYM/GOBM/23-24/RW-22
Periodic Maintenance of Dhobaura Upazila H/Q - Purakandolia GC Road from Ch.00 m - 4560 m under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh; Road ID 361162004.
Published on: 2023-09-07 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-10-01 13:00:00
44) Tender ID: 861501
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: SupRB/Mymen/Maint/23-24/W-449A
1) Major Maintenance of 154.0m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Mymensingh - Sherpur R&H (Gourdwar) to Sandhara GC Road at Ch:4046m [Road ID No:361812003] under Phulpur Upazila, District: Mymensingh. 2) Major Maintenance of 9.2m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Payari UP (Amuakanda Bazar) - Rahimgonj Bazar Road at Ch:1740m [Road ID No:361813030] under Phulpur Upazila, District: Mymensingh. 3) Major Maintenance of 10.2m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Payari UP (Amuakanda Bazar) - Rahimgonj Bazar Road at Ch:3215m [Road ID No:361813030] under Phulpur Upazila, District: Mymensingh. 4) Major Maintenance of 54.9m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Payari UP (Amuakanda Bazar) - Rahimgonj Bazar Road at Ch:4600m [Road ID No:361813030] under Phulpur Upazila, District: Mymensingh. 5) Major Maintenance of 90.10m Long RCC Girder Bridge on Dhobaura Upazila H/Q - Shibgonj GC Road via Kolsindur GC & Charuapara Bazar Road at Ch:7120m [Road ID No:361162003] under Dhobaura Upazila, District: Mymensingh.
Published on: 2023-08-27 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-09-17 13:00:00
45) Tender ID: 853913
Organization: Education Engineering Department
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, EED,Mymensingh, District.
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Gp/EED/Fur.Rev/MYM/G-51
Manufacturing & Supplying of Furniture at Komolpur Helalia Dakhil Madrasah, Dhobaura, Mymensingh.
Published on: 2023-07-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-07-31 15:00:00
46) Tender ID: 851230
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MMN/DHO/2022-23/W17.01308
Major Maintenance of Lamgoljura GPS, Ranigaon GPS, Chandrakona GPS and Dorsha GPS Under PEDP4
Published on: 2023-07-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-07-31 16:00:00
47) Tender ID: 851229
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MMN/DHO/2022-23/W17.01309
Major Maintenance of Gusaipur GPS, Karia Basha GPS and Ganay GPS Under PEDP4
Published on: 2023-07-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-07-31 16:00:00
48) Tender ID: 851228
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MMN/DHO/2022-23/W17.01310
Major Maintenance of Krishnapur GPS, Khaggora GPS and Uttar Shalkuna GPS Under PEDP4
Published on: 2023-07-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-07-31 16:00:00
49) Tender ID: 851227
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/MYM/DHO/2022-23/W14.02864
Construction of boundary Wall including main gate of Gusaipur GPS
Published on: 2023-07-17 10:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-07-31 16:00:00
50) Tender ID: 835623
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Dhobaura, Mymensingh
District: Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EDC/MYM/DHO/W1.148
Vertical Extension of 4th Floor at Dhobaura Upazila Complex Administrative Extension Building under EDC, Upazila Dhobaura , Mymensing
Published on: 2023-05-24 09:00:00 Document last selling: 2023-06-14 16:00:00

See also the live tender notices of the upzillas of Mymensingh district: Bhaluka, Dhobaura, Fulbaria, Gaffargaon, Gouripur, Haluahgat, Ishwarganj, Muktagacha, Mymensingh Sadar, Nandail, Phulpur, Tarakanda, Trishal,