Currently Active OTM tenders of Banshkhali Upazila, Chattogram. Banshkhali upazila is located under the district Chattogram.
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Upazila - Banskhali; District - Chattogram; Method - OTM.
Live tenders on eGP platform (
1) Tender ID: 1063798
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram WD Division -2
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CTG-2/NDR/Bans-04/2024-25
Protection of Shree Shree Loknath Brohmmachari Ashrom at the L/B of Napora Chora Khal In between km 0.270 to km 0.470 = 20.00 m.,Union-Puichori, Upazila-Banskhali, District-Chattogram under Chattogram W D Division-2, BWDB, Chattogram under Non-Development Revenue Budget during the year 2024-25.
Published on: 2025-01-14 21:05:00
Document last selling: 2025-01-29 11:00:00
2) Tender ID: 1058820
Organization: Education Engineering Department
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer,EED, Chittagong, District.
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: 3000/School/2024-25/Lot-01
Published on: 2025-01-02 13:00:00
Document last selling: 2025-01-19 16:00:00
3) Tender ID: 1048534
Organization: Banskhali Paurashava
Procuring Entity: Office of the Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Banskhali/2024-25/W-05
1) Upgrading work of Adatanandai road to Montos house road (Former Upazilla Chairman Suzid Babu house road) by RCC, Ch:162m to 357m=195m, Ward no-08, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, District: Chattogram
2) Upgrading work of South Jaldi Dosari Para Amir Hamja & Idgah road (Dosari Para Monsur Ali Mosque road to Ira pond road) by RCC, Ch:132m to 370m, Ward no-09
3) Upgrading work of North Jaldi Barua Para former U.P Member Himanshu Bimal Barua house road by RCC, (a) Ch-00 to 190m, Ward no-02.
4) Construction of Brick Palisading at Baser pond, Teli para pond south side & Teli para road side, ward no-05
5) Upgrading of RCC road starting from Harunur Rashid Chy. road to South Neajor Para Bolamaziro house (Abul hossen road), Ch: 572m to 678m, Ward No- 03
6) Upgrading work of Summa Para Mosque to Ruhallha Para BC Cannecting road (Yussuf's house road to Khalil Ahmed's house) By RCC, Ch-182 to 339m, Ward no-04 & 05, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, District: Chattogram
7) Improvement work of North Jaldi Jamshed Munshi house to Gov. Primary School Connecting road by RCC, (a) Ch:00 to 220m, Ward no-04, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, District: Chattogram
8) Upgrading work of Thana Kalibari road to Biswas para to Himanshu Bimal Connecting road by RCC, Ch-00m to 372m, Ward no-08
Published on: 2024-12-12 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-12-29 16:00:00
4) Tender ID: 1026558
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram WD Division -2
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CTG-2/ W-B-06
Strengthening Work of Sea dyke from KM 105.400 to KM 105.900= 500.00 m at Polder no-64/1A, Moulavi Para Kadamrasul-Premasia, Union: Khankhanabad, Upazila: Banskhali, Dist: Chattogram in c/w "Sustainable Water Management Project at Banshkhali and Anwara Upazila in South Chattogram (1st Phase)" under Chattogram WD Division-2, BWDB, Chattogram during FY 2024-25.
Published on: 2024-10-17 14:30:00
Document last selling: 2024-11-14 11:00:00
5) Tender ID: 1026547
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram WD Division -2
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CTG-2/ W-B-05
Strengthening Work of Sea dyke from KM 105.000 to KM 105.400 = 400.00 m at Polder no-64/1A, Moulavi ParaKadamrasul-Premasia, Union: Khankhanabad, Upazila: Banskhali, Dist: Chattogram in c/w "Sustainable Water Management Project at Banshkhali and Anwara Upazila in South Chattogram (1st Phase)" under Chattogram WD Division-2, BWDB, Chattogram during FY 2024-25.
Published on: 2024-10-17 13:30:00
Document last selling: 2024-11-14 11:00:00
6) Tender ID: 1026543
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram WD Division -2
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CTG-2/ W-B-04
Strengthening Work of Sea dyke from KM 104.600 to KM 105.000 = 400.00 m at Polder no-64/1A, Moulavi Para Kadamrasul-Premasia, Union: Khankhanabad, Upazila: Banskhali, Dist: Chattogram in c/w "Sustainable Water Management Project at Banshkhali and Anwara Upazila in South Chattogram (1st Phase)" under Chattogram WD Division-2, BWDB, Chattogram during FY 2024-25.
Published on: 2024-10-17 13:15:00
Document last selling: 2024-11-14 11:00:00
7) Tender ID: 1025993
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram WD Division -2
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CTG-2/ W-B-09
Bank Protection work of left bank of Sangu River from Km 15.700 to Km 15.950 = 250.00 m. at Polder no. 64/1B, Ratakhorrda, Union: Sadhanpur, Upazila: Banskhali, Dist: Chattogram in c/w "Sustainable Water Management Project at Banshkhali and Anwara upazila in South Chattogram (1st Phase)" under Chattogram WD Division-2, BWDB, Chattogram during FY 2024-25.
Published on: 2024-10-16 13:30:00
Document last selling: 2024-11-14 11:00:00
8) Tender ID: 1025985
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram WD Division -2
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CTG-2/ W-B-08
Bank Protection work of left bank of Sangu River from Km 15.300 to Km 15.700 = 400.00 m. at Polder no. 64/1B, Ratakhorrda, Union: Sadhanpur, Upazila: Banskhali, Dist: Chattogram in c/w "Sustainable Water Management Project at Banshkhali and Anwara upazila in South Chattogram (1st Phase)" under Chattogram WD Division-2, BWDB, Chattogram during FY 2024-25.
Published on: 2024-10-16 13:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-11-14 11:00:00
9) Tender ID: 1025437
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram WD Division -2
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CTG-2/ W-B-07
Bank Protection work of left bank of Sangu River from Km 14.850 to Km 15.300 = 450.00 m. at Polder no. 64/1B, Ratakhorrda, Union: Sadhanpur, Upazila: Banskhali, Dist:Chattogram in c/w "Sustainable Water Management Project at Banshkhali and Anwara upazila in South Chattogram (1st Phase)" under Chattogram W D Division-2, BWDB, Chattogram during FY 2024-25.
Published on: 2024-10-16 13:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-11-14 11:00:00
10) Tender ID: 1022081
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: GCP-3/ctg/SWM-71R
Maintenance of Time Bazar To Monkir Char Natun Bazar Road by BC at Ch: 00-4830m; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Road ID: 415082003)
Published on: 2024-10-08 11:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-10-28 17:00:00
11) Tender ID: 1020234
Organization: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Mayor, Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: BMWSSP/WD-238
Construction of RCC Road, Guide Wall, Brick Palisading, Brick Drain and Development of RCC road works under Bashkhali Pourashava, Bashkhali, Chattogram
Published on: 2024-10-09 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-10-23 17:00:00
12) Tender ID: 1013350
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/GOBM/CTG/23-24/RW-144
Widening of Saral UP office to Silkup UP office Road from Ch. 2690m-5670m: Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Road ID: 415083014)
Published on: 2024-10-08 11:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-10-28 17:00:00
13) Tender ID: 993090
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/GOBM/CTG/23-24/RW-144
Widening of Saral UP office to Silkup UP office Road from Ch. 2690m-5670m: Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Road ID: 415083014)
Published on: 2024-07-02 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-07-22 17:00:00
14) Tender ID: 993089
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/GOBM/CTG/23-24/RW-143
Widening of Napura Bazar to Shekherkhil UP (Darusshalam Madrasha) Road. (Elahi Box-huzur Rd.) from Ch. 00m-2705m; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Road ID: 415083006)
Published on: 2024-07-02 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-07-22 17:00:00
15) Tender ID: 988130
Organization: Education Engineering Department
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer,EED, Chittagong, District.
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EED/CTG/VerticalEx/2023-24/G-15
Published on: 2024-05-21 15:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-06-09 16:00:00
16) Tender ID: 984956
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/Cht/VRRP/Re-hab/23-24/W-148
Rehabilitation of Napora Shasri Road from Ch: 00-1660m; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 782888.00) (ID : 415085100).
Published on: 2024-05-27 11:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-06-23 16:00:00
17) Tender ID: 984953
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/Cht/VRRP/Re-hab/23-24/W-147
Rehabilitation of Napura Bazar to Forest Office Road via Dokhin Napura GPS (Napora Dhala Road) Road from Ch: 00-1725m; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 1451701.00) (ID : 415084066).
Published on: 2024-05-27 11:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-06-23 16:00:00
18) Tender ID: 980386
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Baskhali, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/CTG/BAS/2023-24/W20.443
Major Maintenance of BANSKHALI UEO
Published on: 2024-05-23 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-06-19 15:00:00
19) Tender ID: 975953
Organization: Education Engineering Department
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer,EED, Chittagong, District.
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EED/CTG/3000school/2023-24/G-11
Published on: 2024-05-19 16:30:00
Document last selling: 2024-06-12 16:00:00
20) Tender ID: 972803
Organization: Public Works Department (PWD)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram PWD Division-1,Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EE/PWD/CTG-1/OTM-06/SD-Patiya/2023-24
Special repair work including renovation of Main Gate of Banskhali Chowki Court.
Published on: 2024-04-16 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-04-29 16:00:00
21) Tender ID: 959348
Organization: Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)
Procuring Entity: Chattogram O&M Division -2
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CTG-2/NDR/BANSH-02/2023-24
Construction of Retired Embankment with Temporary Slope Protection from Km. 1.905 to Km. 2.735 = 830.00m (Interior-dyke) near Moulabipara in Polder no-64/1A (Extension Portion) at Upa:Banskhali, Dist: Chattogram in c/w Repair & Maintenance Work under Chittagong O & M Division-II, BWDB, Chattogram during the year 2023-2024.
Published on: 2024-03-06 15:45:00
Document last selling: 2024-03-21 10:00:00
22) Tender ID: 954189
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/Cht/VRRP/Re-hab/23-24/W-148
Rehabilitation of Napora Shasri Road from Ch: 00-1660m; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 782888.00) (ID : 415085100).
Published on: 2024-03-19 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-04-16 16:00:00
23) Tender ID: 954185
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/Cht/VRRP/Re-hab/23-24/W-147
Rehabilitation of Napura Bazar to Forest Office Road via Dokhin Napura GPS (Napora Dhala Road) Road from Ch: 00-1725m; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 1451701.00) (ID : 415084066).
Published on: 2024-03-19 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-04-16 16:00:00
24) Tender ID: 952915
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: PIU Office of Banskhali Pourashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: IUGIP/BANS/UT-DR/03/2023
Construction/Improvement of Road 3,503m in 1 location, RCC Drains 815m in 1
location, RCC Box Culvert One (1) no., RCC Cross Drain One (1) no., Retaining Wall 153m, Protection Work 496m & installation of Street Light 119 nos. at Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram District.
Published on: 2024-03-06 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-04-03 16:00:00
25) Tender ID: 945631
Organization: Banskhali Paurashava
Procuring Entity: Office of the Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Banskhali/2023-24/W-04
(a) Estimate for Upgrading of Sobahania Madrasha Road (Harunar Rashid Chy. Road to Sobahania Madrasha) by HBB, Ch:00 to Ch:313 m, Ward No -01, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
(b) Rehabilitation of RCC at North Jaldi Siddik Kearny house road (Guratuni Para main road to Pyrang Chora) Ch: 00 to 160 m, Ward no-02, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram
(c) Construction of Brick Cross Drain at North Jaldi Siddik Kearny house road (Guratuni Para main road to Pyrang Chora) Ch: 46 m, Ward no-02, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
(d) Rehabilitation of RCC at North Jaldi Bhadalia Mollai Baper Bari road (Harunar Rashid Chy. Bazar to Pairag Mollai Baper house) (a) Ch: 00 to 148 m, Ward
no-01, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
(e) Rehabilitation of RCC at Adaitanandi road to Daroga bazar connecting road, Ch: 00 to 197=197m, Ward no-08 & 09, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
Published on: 2024-02-21 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-03-05 16:00:00
26) Tender ID: 945627
Organization: Banskhali Paurashava
Procuring Entity: Office of the Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Banskhali/2023-24/W-03
a) Upgrading Work of South Jaldi Askharia Government Primary School to Askharia Nowa Para road By RCC, (a) Ch.-00 m to 153 m, (b) Ch.-153 m to 470 m =317 m, Ward no-07, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
(b) Construction of Brick Cross Drain at South Jaldi Askharia Government Primary School to Askharia Nowa Para road, Ch-170 m, Ward no-07, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
c) Construction of Brick Cross Drain at South Jaldi Askharia Government Primary School to Askharia Nowa Para Road, Ch-224m, Ward no-07 Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
d) Rehabilitation of RCC at Jaldi Kazir Para Badshahi road (Himangsu Bimol road to Kazir para bridge), (a) Ch: 00 to 163=163m, (b) Ch: 163 to 366=203m, Ward no-06, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
e) Rehabilitation of RCC at South Jaldi Rongiagona Shamsher Para road (Banshkhali main road to Shamsher para) by RCC, (a) Ch: 00 to 160m, Ward no-09, Under Banshkhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
Published on: 2024-02-21 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-03-05 16:00:00
27) Tender ID: 941873
Organization: Banskhali Paurashava
Procuring Entity: Office of the Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: BCCT/2023-24/W-01
Supply, fitting, fixing & Installation of
30-watt standalone Solar powered street
light at Banshkhali Pourashava area.
Published on: 2024-01-29 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-02-11 16:00:00
28) Tender ID: 891426
Organization: Upazila parishad Banskhali
Procuring Entity: Office Of The Upazila Engineer, Banskhali, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: INF-2021-22-201508-2
Supply of High/Low Bench at different Govt. Educational Institutions under Banskhali upazila, Chattogram.
Published on: 2023-11-06 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-11-26 15:00:00
29) Tender ID: 891425
Organization: Upazila parishad Banskhali
Procuring Entity: Office Of The Upazila Engineer, Banskhali, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: INF-2021-22-201508-1
01) Construction of a wash block at M Anwarul Girls High School at Boilchari Union under Banskhali upazila.
02) Construction of a wash block at Jaldi Hosenia Kamil Madrasa under Banskhali upazila.
03) Construction of a wash block at out door of Banskhali Upazila Health Complex.
Published on: 2023-11-06 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-11-26 15:00:00
30) Tender ID: 890508
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: FDR/CTG/23-24/UZR/W-52 Adl
Remaining Work for Rehabilitation of Chunati Bazar to Katharia and Bailchari UP Office (Bailchari-Chunati Road) Road from Ch: 00-7100m; Upazila : Banskhali, District : Chattogram (ID No-415082006).
Published on: 2023-10-26 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-12-03 16:00:00
31) Tender ID: 889907
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Baskhali, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EDC/CHAT/BANS/W1.074
Vertical Extension of 5th Floor at Banskhali Upazila Complex Administrative Extension Building under EDC Project, Upazila: Banskhali, Chattogram.
Published on: 2023-11-02 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-11-22 15:00:00
32) Tender ID: 875103
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: IRIDP-3/CTG/MW-139
a) Maintenance of Pairang to Saral UP road via Jaliaghata Road at Ch: 121-1420m b) Construction of 02 nos 1.50x1.50m Culvert at Ch: 791 & 1210m on the same road; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (ID No-415083020).
Published on: 2023-10-09 22:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-11-05 16:00:00
33) Tender ID: 867099
Organization: Education Engineering Department
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer,EED, Chittagong, District.
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EED/CTG/SHED-7016/2023-24/W18
SHED-7016/W18: Construction of Single Storied Academic Building with 4- Storied Foundation to Selected Educational Institution under Revenue Budget (Code no. 4111201) at Banskhali Degree College, Banskhali, Chattogram. (2019-20)
Published on: 2023-08-28 17:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-09-24 16:00:00
34) Tender ID: 860747
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-tender/LGED/CTG/GOBM/23-24/W-58
Periodic Maintenance of Pukuria UP Office to Pukuria Bazar Road. (Rampur DC Road) from Ch. 00m-3100m. [Banskhali] 415082007
Published on: 2023-08-23 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-09-24 16:00:00
35) Tender ID: 858820
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: PIU Office of Banskhali Pourashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: IUGIP/BANS/UT-DR/01/2023
Construction/Improvement of Road 3,053m in 1 location, RCC Drains 1,251m in 2 locations, RCC Box Culverts Four (4) nos., Retaining Wall 400m, Protection Work 479m & installation of Street Light 104 nos. at Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram District.
Published on: 2023-08-10 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-09-10 16:00:00
36) Tender ID: 856148
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: PIU Office of Banskhali Pourashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: IUGIP/BANS/UT-DR/02/2023
Construction/Improvement of Road 3,770m in 3 location, RCC Drains 494m in 2 locations, RCC Box
Culverts Two (2) nos., RCC Cross Drains Three (3) nos., Protection work 285m & installation of
Street Light 131 nos. at Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram District.
Published on: 2023-07-30 12:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-08-28 16:00:00
37) Tender ID: 849983
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-tender/LGED/CTG/GOBM/23-24/W-19
Periodic Maintenance of RHD (Saleyar Baper Pool) to Bashir Ullah Miajee Hat GC Road from Ch: 00-4010m [Banskhali] 415082004
Published on: 2023-07-06 11:30:00
Document last selling: 2023-07-30 16:00:00
38) Tender ID: 847702
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Baskhali, Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/CHA/BAS/2022-23/W14-02595
Construction of Boundary Wall & Gate Of JALIA GHATA, SANUA, MAYMUNA KHATUN, DAKKHIN SHEKER KHIL under Banskhali Upazila Dist. Chattogram.
Published on: 2023-06-27 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-07-16 15:00:00
39) Tender ID: 847700
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Upazila Engineer, LGED, Baskhali, Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-Tender/PEDP4/CTG/BAS/2022-2023/W15.0036
1) Construction of Madhya Katharia GPS Head Teacher's room with attached toilet under PEDP4.
2) Construction of Banskhali Model GPS Head Teacher's room with attached toilet under PEDP4.
3) Construction of Purbo Kokdandi GPS Head Teacher's room with attached toilet under PEDP4.
4) Construction of Kokdandi GPS Head Teacher's room with attached toilet under PEDP4.
Published on: 2023-06-27 09:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-07-16 15:00:00
40) Tender ID: 845546
Organization: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Mayor, Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: BMWSSP/WD-117
(1) Development work of Kabal Mohajan para main road to Ex UP Member Nonda Kumar House road by RCC (Ch.-0.00m to Ch.-137m) in Ward no-06, Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram And (2) Development work of Mahari para road by RCC (Ch.-00+57m to Ch.-00+219m=162m) in Ward no-07, Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
Published on: 2023-06-25 16:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-07-09 17:00:00
41) Tender ID: 842775
Organization: Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, DPHE,Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: BMWSSP/WD-90A
Construction of Drains at Banskhali Pourashava under BMWSSP by DPHE Chattogram.
Published on: 2023-06-07 16:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-07-05 17:08:00
42) Tender ID: 841457
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGED/Cht/VRRP/Re-hab/22-23/W-111
Rehabilitataion of Khankhanabad Abdul Halim Road from Ch: 00-1910m; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 1738807.00) (ID : 415084038).
Published on: 2023-06-08 14:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-07-05 16:00:00
43) Tender ID: 839566
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: e-tender/LGED/CTG/GOBM/23-24/W-19
Periodic Maintenance of RHD (Saleyar Baper Pool) to Bashir Ullah Miajee Hat GC Road from Ch: 00-4010m [Banskhali] 415082004
Published on: 2023-05-29 14:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-06-20 16:00:00
44) Tender ID: 837388
Organization: Education Engineering Department
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer,EED, Chittagong, District.
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EED/Ctg/SHED-7016/2022-23/W31
Published on: 2023-05-25 14:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-06-18 15:00:00
45) Tender ID: 837387
Organization: Education Engineering Department
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer,EED, Chittagong, District.
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EED/Ctg/SHED-7016/2022-23/W30
Published on: 2023-05-25 14:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-06-18 15:00:00
46) Tender ID: 826981
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: CBU-100/Purto-247
Construction of 96.0m Long PSC Girder Bridge on Pairenggo-Sorol UP Road via Jhalghata Road at Ch: 3200m; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (ID : 415083020).
Published on: 2023-05-08 11:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-06-07 16:00:00
47) Tender ID: 809925
Organization: Banskhali Paurashava
Procuring Entity: Office of the Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Banskhali/2022-23/W-01
Improvement/Construction of RCC Road Starting from Haron-ur Rashid Chy. To South Neajor Para Bolamazir's House (Abul Hossenâ?? Road) Ch.-0.00 m to 565 m, P. Palisading Work-69 m, (Salvage Tk-198912.00). At Ward No-03, Under Banskhali Paurashava, District: Chattogram.
Published on: 2023-04-06 12:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-04-16 16:00:00
48) Tender ID: 809924
Organization: Banskhali Paurashava
Procuring Entity: Office of the Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Banskhali/2022-23/W-02
(1) Estimate for Development of Lalar Dighi Road (Jaldi Barua Para Kiang Gov. Primary School to Lalar Dighi road) by HBB from Ch:00+000 to Ch:00+891 m, P. Palisading Work- Ch-53 m to 68 m=15 m, Ch.: 879 to 888 m=9 m. Total P.Palisading Work= 24m.
(2) Construction of Box Culvert Lalar Dighi Road Ch:00+891 to Ch:00+895 m at word -01 & 02, Under Banskhali Paurashava, Chattogram.
Published on: 2023-04-10 12:30:00
Document last selling: 2023-04-20 12:00:00
49) Tender ID: 809185
Organization: Public Works Department (PWD)
Procuring Entity: Chittagong PWD Division-1,Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: EE/PWD/CTG-1/OTM-09/SD-Patiya/2022-23
Special repair work including main gate renovation of Banskhali Sub Registry office.
Published on: 2023-03-30 11:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-04-13 16:00:00
50) Tender ID: 800375
Organization: Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)
Procuring Entity: Office of the Executive Engineer, LGED, Chittagong
District: Chattogram
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: IRIDP-3/CTG/DW-276
a) Improvement of North Manik Pathan Road at Ch: 00-1960m b) Construction of 01 no 1x1.50x1.50m Culvert at Ch: 1500m on the same road; Upazila: Banskhali, District: Chattogram (Salvage Materials Cost Tk. 1727802.00) (ID No-415085077).
Published on: 2023-03-16 21:00:00
Document last selling: 2023-04-09 15:00:00
See also the live tender notices of the upzillas of Chattogram district: