Live Tender Notices of Bangladesh

Learn how to do analysis of the unit rates of any BoQ item of construction works.

A contractor who wants to participate in government tenders need to do rate analysis to determine the unit prices to be quoted for each BoQ item. Such analysis does not require much details or systematic approach. But sometimes the procuring entity asks for analysis of some BoQ items or even for all the items. To such such analysis of quoted rates systematic and details analysis are required. Here we shall discuss how such formal rate analysis can be done.
Rate analysis will depend on nature of works, goods or service. Following items may be included in rate analysis:
i) Common cost components for goods, works, services, NCS:
ii) For items of works project:
iii) For items of goods supply:
iv) For consulting services:
v) For non-consulting services:

Following is a sample rate analysis for concrete works:
Unit rate analysis sample
Download the Excel source file for the above analysis from below link:
Click here to download excel file for unit rate analysis
You may modify this file according to your requirements.

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