জয়পুরহাট জেলার LTM টেন্ডার বিজ্ঞপ্তি।
জয়পুরহাট জেলার OSTETM দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি।
জয়পুরহাট জেলার OTM টেন্ডার নোটিশ।
জয়পুরহাট জেলার সকল দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি
দরপত্র নং: ১,০০২,৮৫১; কার্য (NCT)
APP ID: 204032;
জেলা: জয়পুরহাট
প্যাকেজ নং: APP/24-25/NR-02
শিরোনাম: Operation and maintenance works of Schindler Brand Lift at CJM Court Building, Joypurhat (Fiscal Year: 2024-25)
সংস্থা: গণপূর্ত অধিদপ্তর
দপ্তর: জয়পুরহাট গণপূর্ত বিভাগ
পদ্ধতি: উন্মুক্ত দরপত্র পদ্ধতি (OTM)
প্রকাশের তারিখ: ২০২৪-০৭-০৯ ১১:০০:০০
ডকুমেন্ট বিক্রির শেষ সময়: ২০২৪-০৭-২১ ১৭:০০:০০
খোলার সময়: ২০২৪-০৭-২২ ১১:০০:০০
প্যাকেজের বিবরণ: Operation and maintenance works of Schindler Brand Lift at CJM Court Building, Joypurhat (Fiscal Year: 2024-25)
দরপত্রের মূল্য: ১,০০০ টাকা;
দরপত্র জামানত: ১৫,০০০ টাকা।
দাপ্তরিক প্রাক্কলিত ব্যয়:
* যেহেতু দরপত্রের মূল্য ১০০০ টাকা, প্রাক্কলিত মূল্য ৫০ লক্ষ্য টাকা বা কম হতে পারে।
* দরপত্র জামানত দাপ্তরিক প্রাক্কলিত ব্যয় এর সর্বোচ্চ ৩% হতে পারে। কাজেই প্রাক্কলিত মূল্য নুন্যতম ৫০০,০০০ টাকা।
* দরপত্র জামানত সাধারনতঃ দাপ্তরিক প্রাক্কলিত ব্যয় এর ১% এর চেয়ে বেশি হয়ে থাকে। কাজেই প্রাক্কলিত মূল্য সর্বোচ্চ ১,৫০০,০০০ টাকা হতে পারে।
কাজেই, অত্র দরপত্রের দাপ্তরিক প্রাক্কলিত ব্যয় ৫০০,০০০ ~ ১,৫০০,০০০ টাকার মধ্যে হতে পারে।
প্রয়োজনীয় যোগ্যতাসমূহ:
a) Reputed Contractors /Construction Firms who have minimum 05 (Five) years of general experience in Electrical works.
b) Having experience in successful completion of work at least 1 (one) no. of similar nature works not less than amounting to Tk. 3.00 (Three Lac) lakh only in a single tender in Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Organization of Bangladesh during last 05 (Five) years.
c) The Tenderer shall have a minimum average annual construction turnover during last 05 (Five) years amounting of Tk. 3.50 (Three lac and Fifty thausand ) lakh only.
d) The minimum amount of liquid assets i.e. working capital or credit line(s) of the Tenderer shall be Tk Tk. 3.00 (Three lac ) only submitted in from PW2a-3 (Line of Credit).
e) Updated Trade licence, income Tax clearance and VAT Registration certificate.
f) Updated ABC category contractory & supervisory license issued form Electrical Licensing Board, Government of Bangladesh.
g) The Tenderer shall be the local agent & distributor of Schindler Brand lift and should enclose the same certificate with the tender document.
Certificate from the original manufacturer ensuring availability of spare parts of the lift for the next 01 (One) year shall be submitted with the Tender.
h) All other conditions as mentioned in (Section-2 & Section-4) of tender documents must be fulfilled.
i) All other terms and conditions as per e-gp Tender document.
স্থান: Joypurhat
বাজেটের ধরন: রাজস্ব
শ্রেণী: Repair, maintenance and installation services; Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment; Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment; Demolition services of vehicles; Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment; Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment; Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment; Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment; Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment; Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment; Maintenance and repair of office machinery; Repair and maintenance services of personal computers; Maintenance services of telecommunications equipment; Repair and maintenance services of audio-visual and optical equipment; Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment; Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus; Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment; Repair and maintenance services of precision equipment; Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery; Repair and maintenance services of pumps, valves, taps and metal containers; Repair and maintenance services of machinery; Repair and maintenance services of building installations; Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations; Repair and maintenance services of central heating; Repair and maintenance services of cooler groups; Repair and maintenance services of escalators; Lift-maintenance services; Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services; Repair services of jewellery; Repair services of leather personal goods; Repair services of garments and textiles; Repair and maintenance services of weapons and weapon systems; Repair and maintenance services of furniture; Repair and maintenance services of musical instruments; Repair and maintenance services of playground equipment; Repair and maintenance services of hotel and restaurant equipment; Installation services; Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment; Installation services of equipment for measuring, checking, testing and navigating; Installation services of communications equipment; Installation services of medical and surgical equipment; Installation services of machinery and equipment; Installation services of computers and office equipment; Installation services of metal containers
ক্রয়কারির ঠিকানা: Joypurhat pwd division ,Joypurhat, City: Joypurhat, Thana: Joypurhat Sadar, District: Joypurhat - 5900, Country: Bangladesh,
জয়পুরহাট গণপূর্ত বিভাগ, গণপূর্ত অধিদপ্তর এর আরও দরপত্র দেখুন:
১,০৬৮,৬২৭ : modelmosque/BM -Panchbibi
Supplying work of Bedding Materials for Panchbibi Model Mosque & Islamic Cultural Center, Joypurhat under the project of Establishment of 560 model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centers in each Zila & Upazila of Bangladesh (2nd Revised) Fy 2024-25
১,০৬৮,৬২৩ : modelmosque/consumbles - Panchbibi
Supplying work of Consumables for Panchbibi Upazila Model Mosque & Islamic Cultural Center, Joypurhat under the project of Establishment of 560 model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centers in each Zila & Upazila of Bangladesh (2nd Revised) Fy 2024-25
১,০২৬,৮০৯ : Monuments/jprht-251
Conservation of Slaughter Places and Construction of Monument at Slaughter Places Created by the Pakistani Hanader Forces during Liberation War of 1971 (2nd Phase) project one at Khokon Paiker, Akkelpur, Joypurhat.
১,০১৮,১৬৭ : Monuments/jprht-55
Conservation of Slaughter Places and Construction of Monument at Slaughter Places Created by the Pakistani Hanader Forces during Liberation War of 1971 (2nd Phase) project one at Bagjana (Dargapara),Panchbibi, Joypurhat.
১,০০২,৮৫৮ : APP/24-25/NR-01
Operation and maintenance works of Sunny Brand Lift at CJM Court Building, Joypurhat (Fiscal Year: 2024-25)
১,০০০,৯৪২ : Monuments/jprht-56
Conservation of Slaughter Places and Construction of Monuments at Slaughter Places Created by the Pakistani Hanader Forces during Liberation War of 1971 (2nd Phase) project one at Keshabpur, Joypurhat.
৯৯০,৬১৫ : APP/23-24/ hsp-07
Internal RCC Road Construction works at 250 Bed General Hospital,Joypurhat
৯৯০,৫১৬ : APP/23-24/hsp-06
Repair and renovation works of Boundary Wall at 250 Bed General Hospital,Joypurhat
৯৬৭,৫১৫ : APP/23-24/DC Special-02
Vertical Extension of Boundary Wall with installation of Grill and Light above wall at DC Office,Joypurhat