Live tender notices of the
Local Government Covid-19 Response And Recovery Project,kendua Pourashava project published recently on eGP system of Bangladesh.
Live tenders on eGP platform (
1) Tender ID: 1017572
Procuring Entity: Office of the Kendua Pourashava, Netrokona
District: Netrokona
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Kendua/2024-25/W-04
(A) Upgrading of CC Road by Uni Block starting from Kendua Chirang road (Anonda School road) to House of Mr. Joshim Uddin at Ch.0.00-185.00m under Kendua Pourashava, District: Netrokona. (Ward no-8)
(B) Upgrading of Earthen Road by Uni Block starting from Chandragati Alipur road to Alipur (House of Mr. Jewel Miah) at Ch.0.00-220.00m under Kendua Pourashava, District: Netrokona. (Ward no-3)
(C) Upgrading of CC Road by Uni Block starting from Chandragati (near house of Mr. Kamal Miah) to Thuba Store at Ch.0.00-45.00m under Kendua Pourashava, District: Netrokona. (Ward no-8)
Published on: 2024-09-26 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-10-16 17:00:00
2) Tender ID: 1017584
Procuring Entity: Office of the Kendua Pourashava, Netrokona
District: Netrokona
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Kendua/2024-25/W-05
Construction of RCC Drain starting from Rupali Bank PLC west side (School field) to Rahmania Abdul Haque Nurani & Hafijia Madrasah via Joy Hori School field (east & south side) at Ch.0.00-210.00m under Kendua Pourashava, District: Netrokona. (Ward no-6)
Published on: 2024-09-26 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-10-16 17:00:00
3) Tender ID: 1016710
Procuring Entity: Office of the Kendua Pourashava, Netrokona
District: Netrokona
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Kendua/2024-25/W-03
(A) Rehabilitation of CC Road by RCC starting from Kendua bazar main road (Shop of Mansu) - Shop of Ajay vai Joy Hori Sri High School main gate at Ch.0.00-135.00m under Kendua Pourashava, District: Netrokona. (Ward no-6)
(B) Upgrading of CC Road by Uni Block starting from Kendua - Chirang road to Washerpur (House of Mr. Hadith Miah) at Ch.0.00-323.00m under Kendua Pourashava, District: Netrokona. (Ward no-3)
Published on: 2024-09-26 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-10-16 17:00:00
3 tenders found in the database for for Local Government Covid-19 Response And Recovery Project,kendua Pourashava. Visit again to see the new tender notices of Local Government Covid-19 Response And Recovery Project,kendua Pourashava.