Live tender notices of the
Local Government Covid-19 Response And Recovery Project, Laksam Pourashava project published recently on eGP system of Bangladesh.
Live tenders on eGP platform (
1) Tender ID: 1014596
Procuring Entity: Office of the Laksham Pourashava, Cumilla
District: Cumilla
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Laksam/2023-24/W-04
(1) Upgrading RCC Road Gunti Utter Para RCC Road to Hannan Mia House Via Mannan Mia House (Ch170.00-265.00), at Gunti Ward No -08 Under Laksam Pourashava, Dist. Cumilla
(2) Upgrading RCC Road Gunti Primary School Road to Ruhul Amin Mia House (Ch.00-177.00), Link 23.00m (Siddique Mia House) & Link 25.00m (Billal House) RCC Palisading 30.00m at Gunti Ward No -08 Under Laksam Pourashava, Dist. Cumilla
(3) Upgrading RCC Road Uttarkul Primary School to Dhaka-Chattagram Rail Line Via Mahabub House (Ch165.00-426.00), RCC Palisading 87.00m, at Uttarkul Ward No-09 Under Laskam Pourashava, Dist. Cumilla.
(4) Environmantal mitigation work
Published on: 2024-09-12 15:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-09-29 16:00:00
2) Tender ID: 1014595
Procuring Entity: Office of the Laksham Pourashava, Cumilla
District: Cumilla
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Laksam/2023-24/W-03
1) Upgrading RCC Road from Paik Para Pacca Road to Hadagazir Mazar Road by connecting Golap Mia House (Ch150.00-270.00), RCC Palisading 50.00m at Paik Para Ward No -02 under Laksam Pourashava, Dist: Cumilla.
(2) Upgrading RCC Road from Nasaratpur Mocca House to Malek Mia House (Ch0.00-68.00m) & Link 26.00m at Nasaratpur Ward No -01 under Laksam Pourashava, Dist: Cumilla.
(3) Upgrading RCC Road from Hakim Ali House Siurain Jame Mosjid (Ch150.00-280.00), at Siurain Ward No -03 under Laksam Pourashava, Dist: Cumilla.
(4) Upgrading RCC Road from Laksam Model College road to Kabir House via Gafur (Ch150.00-196.00) & Link Lakir House 50.00m, at Ward No -04 under Laksam Pourashava, Dist: Cumilla.
(5) Upgrading RCC Road from Kumardoga Modina Market road Ropiq House to Kashem House (Ch 0.00-110.00), at Kumardoga Ward No -03 under Laksam Pourashava, Dist: Cumilla.
(6) Upgrading RCC Road from Uttar Laksam Sofiullah House to Hajarir House (Ch0.00-80.00), at Uttar Laksam Ward No -04 under Laksam Pourashava, Dist: Cumilla.
(7) Upgrading of RCC Drain from Uttar Laksam Sofiullah House to Hajarir House( L= 100.00m) at Uttar Laksam word no-04 Under Laksam Pourashava, Dist. Cumilla
(8) Environmantal mitigation work.
Published on: 2024-09-12 15:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-09-29 16:00:00
2 tenders found in the database for for Local Government Covid-19 Response And Recovery Project, Laksam Pourashava. Visit again to see the new tender notices of Local Government Covid-19 Response And Recovery Project, Laksam Pourashava.