Live tender notices of the Local Governance Covid-19 Response & Recovery Project, Gazipur City Corporation project published recently on eGP system of Bangladesh.
Live tenders on eGP platform (
1) Tender ID: 1008267
Procuring Entity: Local Governance COVID-19 Response & Recovery Project, Gazipur City Corporation
District: Gazipur
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Gazipur/2023-24W-01.
1. Upgradation of Road By BC starts form Nilerpara to Kanaya Bazar adjacent to Joydebpur-Pubail road. 2. Construction of RCC Tow wall at various places of Nilerpara to Kanaya Bazar adjacent to Joydebpur-Pubail road. 3. Construction of footpath starts form Nilerpara to Kanaya Bazar adjacent to Joydebpur-Pubail road. 4. Construction of RCC drain at Kanaya Bazar portion.
Published on: 2024-08-13 17:30:00 Document last selling: 2024-08-27 11:00:00
2) Tender ID: 1008268
Procuring Entity: Local Governance COVID-19 Response & Recovery Project, Gazipur City Corporation
District: Gazipur
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
Package No. and Title: LGCRRP/Gazipur/2023-24/W-03.
1. Upgradation of Road By BC Start From Fizuddin kachim uddin Madrasha To Kanaya Road. 2. Construction of footpath Start From Fizuddin kachim uddin Madrasha To Kanaya Road. 3. Supplying & Installation of both sides LED street light with necessary fitting, fixing including Gl pole, Gl pipe bracket with overhead electrical line at Fizuddin kachim uddin MadrashaTo Kanaya Road. 4. Construction of RCC Tow wall at Fizuddin kachim uddin MadrashaTo Kanaya Road. 5. Upgradation of Road By BC Start From Koler bazar Road To East Direction Nilerpara Chokider Bari Via House Of Nanna. 6. Construction of Footpath Start From Kolerbazar Road To East Direction Nilerpara Chokider Bari Via House Of Nanna. 7. Construction of RCC Tow wall at Koler bazar Road To East Direction Nilerpara Chokider Bari Via House Of Nanna. 8. Supplying & Installation of both sides LED street light with necessary fitting, fixing including GI pole, Gl pipe bracket with overhead electrical line at Kolerbazar Road To East Direction Nilerpara Chokider Bari Via House Of Nanna. 9. Upgradation Of Road By BC Start From Vora Puceca mosque To East Direction Nilerpara Malaker Bari Via Doctor Bari. 10. Supplying & Installation of LED street light with necessary fitting, fixing including Gl pole, Gl pipe bracket with overhead electrical line at Vora Paka mosque To East Direction Nilerpara Malaker Bari Via Doctor Bari. 11. Supplying & Installation of LED street light with necessary fitting, fixing including Gl pole, G1 pipe bracket with overhead electrical line at A) Vararul Bottola at near Jamtola to west direction Dirasram road. B) Dirasram road to Hariken Dhaka-Mymensingh road via By-pass (Zajhor road). C) west Kanaya Mosque to Dhatuiya Tek.
Published on: 2024-08-13 17:30:00 Document last selling: 2024-08-27 11:00:00

2 tenders found in the database for for Local Governance Covid-19 Response & Recovery Project, Gazipur City Corporation.
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