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eGP Tender ID: 990577; Works (NCT)
APP ID: 200739;
District: Bandarban
Reference No.: BBBA/TE-20/23-24/7151, dt: 23/05/2024
Package Title: Rehabilitation repair and ancillary maintenance work of 33/11 KV Ruma substation damaged by catastrophic hill slide caused by heavy rains of August/2023 at Ruma electricity supply under Distribution Division, BPDB, Bandarban.
Organization: Bangladesh Power Development Board
Procuring Entity: Distribution Division, BPDB, Bandarban
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
IFT Published on: 2024-05-26 10:00:00
Document last selling: 2024-06-09 15:00:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-06-10 13:45:00
Brief Description of Package: Rehabilitation repair and ancillary maintenance work of 33/11 KV Ruma substation damaged by catastrophic hill slide caused by heavy rains of August/2023 at Ruma electricity supply under Distribution Division, BPDB, Bandarban.
Tender Document Price: Tk. 1000;
Tender Security: 8000 BDT
Official Cost Estimate (Prediction):
* Since document price is Tk. 1000, estimated cost should be less than or equal 50 lacs BDT.
* Tender Security can be maximum 3% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost is more than Tk. 266666.
* Tender Security is normally more than 1% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost should be less than 800000 BDT.
Thus, Official Cost Estimate should be BDT. 266666 ~ 800000.
Eligibility criteria:
As Per Tender Document.
Location of work / delivery: Distribution Division Bandarban
Budget Type: Revenue
Category: Electricity distribution and related services; Public utilities; Electricity distribution; Operation of electrical installations
PE Address: Distribution division,Bandarban, City: Bandarban, Thana: Bandarban Sadar, District: Bandarban - 4600, Country: Bangladesh,
See more tenders from
Distribution Division, BPDB, Bandarban; Bangladesh Power Development Board:
1029351 : WR - 9 Lot-1
Branch cutting and clearing of vegetation on both sides of 11 KV and 0.4 KV lines of 11 KV Prantik lake feeder and 11 KV Chimbuk feeder under the jurisdiction of Distribution Division, PDB, Bandarban Office.
1029350 : WR - 10 Lot-3
Branch cutting and clearing of vegetation near the line on both sides of Dohazari 33 KV, Bangalhalia 33 KV, Kachinghata 33 KV and Y-junction 33 KV source lines under the jurisdiction of Distribution Division, PDB, Bandarban Office.
1026826 : WR - 7
Necessary repair works including changing electric poles at various parts located inside deep forest for uninterrupted power supply of Bandarban-Bengalhalia 33 KV line under Distribution Division, PDB, Bandarban.
1026817 : WR - 8
Installation of 33 KV and 11 KV Isolators and ACRs and other necessary repair and maintenance works including replacement of worn old isolators in various parts of the lines for proper and safe execution of various 33 KV Feeder and 11 KV Feeder line repair and maintenance works under Distribution Division, PDB, Bandarban Office.
991382 : Civil - 9
Flood Damaged Store Room of Distribution Division, BPDB, Bandarban Office Repair work on urgent basis.
991380 : Civil - 7
Repair of flood damaged doors and windows, wall renovation, painting, geyser repair, hand saws, berth saws, berth mats, various ancillary works including repairs of flood damaged Kachinghata workers quarters under the jurisdiction of Distribution Division, BPDB, Bandarban.