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eGP Tender ID: 971934; Goods (NCT)
APP ID: 195156; District: Chattogram
Reference No.: 54.01.1500.
Package Title: e-TENDER: Supply of uniform for winter season for various class stuff.
Organization: Bangladesh Railway
Procuring Entity: Office of the Divisional Electrical Engineer, Chittagong
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
IFT Published on: 2024-04-08 22:15:00
Document last selling: 2024-04-24 11:20:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-04-24 11:30:00
Brief Description of Package: Supply of uniform for winter season for various class stuff.
Tender Document Price: Tk. 1000; Tender Security: 30000 BDT
Official Cost Estimate (Prediction):
* Since document price is Tk. 1000, estimated cost should be less than or equal 50 lacs BDT.
* Tender Security can be maximum 3% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost is more than Tk. 1000000.
* Tender Security is normally more than 1% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost should be less than 3000000 BDT.
Thus, Official Cost Estimate should be BDT. 1000000 ~ 3000000.

Eligibility criteria:
1.Tenderers must be eligible to submit tender according to PPR-2008 and other prevailing laws of Bangladesh.
2. As per e-Tender document.
Location of work / delivery: Chattogram
Budget Type: Revenue
Category: Clothing and accessories; Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories; Occupational clothing; Special workwear; Workwear accessories; Outerwear; Coats; Weatherproof clothing; Miscellaneous outerwear; Garments; Underwear; Shirts and nightwear; T-shirts; Special clothing and accessories; Special clothing; Clothing accessories; Hats and headgear; Fasteners; Leather clothes; Leather clothing accessories; Furs and articles of fur; Fur articles; Furs; Second-hand clothing
PE Address: Pahartoli, Chittagong, City: Chittagong, Thana: Chattogram City Corporation, District: Chattogram - 1000, Country: Bangladesh,

See more tenders from Office of the Divisional Electrical Engineer, Chittagong; Bangladesh Railway:
1057478 : 54.01.1500. e-TENDER: Lighting of passenger coaches of 123 UP/124 Dn Nazirhat local train (1 Rake) with manpower and related electrical works under jurisdiction of SSAE/TL/CTG.
1057453 : 54.01.1500. e-TENDER: Lighting of passenger coaches of 37 UP/ 38 Dn Mymansingh express train (3 Rake) with manpower and related electrical works under jurisdiction of SSAE/TL/CTG.
1039133 : 54.01.1500. e-TENDER: Supply of different types LED flood light , Street light ,tunnel light etc.with fittings arrangement for SSAE/E/CTG, PHT , CGPY, LKM and CDR.
1039128 : 54.01.1500. e-TENDER: Supply, testing and commissioning of different types Pump motor set, Control panel and other related materials for SSAE/E/CTG, PHT , CGPY, LKM and CDR.
1039127 : 54.01.1500. e-TENDER: Supply of Lead Acid Battery (12 Volt 200AH and 165 AH) for SSAE/TL/CTG.
1039126 : 54.01.1500. e-TENDER:Supply of Different types LED Panel Light with driver and related materials for different passanger coaches under jurisdiction of SSAE/TL/CTG.
See live tender notices for uniform.
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