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eGP Tender ID: 1008581; Works (NCT)
APP ID: 205275;
District: Mymensingh
Reference No.: 27.21.6152.643.07.337.24.326; Date: 14.08.2024
Package Title: Repair maintenance and replacement of one compressor for existing 60000BTU/5.0 Ton capacity AC with two compressors gas refill, replace five fan motors,four fan blades,ten capacitors and servicing 11 Nos Air Cooler of Sherpur & Jamalpur Grid Substation under GMD-Mymensingh,Power Grid Bangladesh PLC
Organization: Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB)
Procuring Entity: Grid Maintenance Division, Mymensingh
Procurement Method: Open Tendering Method (OTM)
IFT Published on: 2024-08-18 15:05:00
Document last selling: 2024-09-02 11:00:00
Closing / Opening: 2024-09-02 12:00:00
Brief Description of Package: Repair maintenance and replacement of one compressor for existing 60000BTU/5.0 Ton capacity AC with two compressors gas refill, replace five fan motors,four fan blades,ten capacitors and servicing 11 Nos Air Cooler of Sherpur & Jamalpur Grid Substation under GMD-Mymensingh,Power Grid Bangladesh PLC
Tender Document Price: Tk. 1000;
Tender Security: 5250 BDT
Official Cost Estimate (Prediction):
* Since document price is Tk. 1000, estimated cost should be less than or equal 50 lacs BDT.
* Tender Security can be maximum 3% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost is more than Tk. 175000.
* Tender Security is normally more than 1% of Official Cost Estimate. So estimated cost should be less than 525000 BDT.
Thus, Official Cost Estimate should be BDT. 175000 ~ 525000.
Eligibility criteria:
1.A satisfactory completion of similar/offer type air conditioner repairs works as a prime contractor in Power Grid,BPDB,BREB,DPDC,DESCO,Government Organization and in Semi Government Organization at least Tk 1.00 Lac in a single number of contact over a period of 3 years shall be required.Subcontractor working experience will not be allowed.
2. Minimum amount of liquid asset Tk 100000/-(One Lac).
3. Updated Valid Trade License,Tax Return Certificate, BIN & TIN etc.
4.As per ITT-Clause 31.2(a)i. Tender security will be prepared from the bank registered with e-GP system in favor of the POWER GRID BANGLADESH PLC either in the form of a bank draft or pay.
5. Schedule, work completion certificate and copy of work order of related work must be submit.
Location of work / delivery: Sherpur and Jamalpur Grid Substation under GMD-Mymensingh,Power Grid Bangladesh PLC
Budget Type: Own Fund
Category: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment; Repair, maintenance and installation services; Maintenance and repair of office machinery; Repair and maintenance services of personal computers; Maintenance services of telecommunications equipment; Repair and maintenance services of audio-visual and optical equipment;
PE Address: Biddut Bhaban, Kewatkhali, Mymensingh, City: Mymensingh, Thana: Mymensingh City Corporation, District: Mymensingh - 2201, Country: Bangladesh,
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